Advocates for a government-run healthcare program applauded U.S. Rep. Ro Khanna for pushing back during a Sunday morning interview in which ABC News anchor Martha Raddatz casually dismissed Medicare for All as a proposal that has no chance of ever being implemented. Khanna (D-Calif.) spoke to Raddatz days after the fatal shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson in New York City—an event that brought to the surface simmering, widespread fury over the for-profit health insurance industry's denial of coverage, high deductibles, and other obstacles placed in the way of Americans when they try to obtain both routine and emergency healthcare. The congressman said he was "not surprised" by the response to the killing, in which the suspect has yet to be named or found by authorities five days later. "I mean, people are getting denied cancer treatment," said Khanna.

  • 'Jedi mind trick': ABC anchor rebuked for claiming popular program won't happen
    Ro Khanna for pushing back during a Sunday morning interview in which ABC News anchor Martha Raddatz ... "It's the press corps' Jedi mind trick. Ro called bullshit—which is the right response.
    12/10/2024 - 1:12 am | View Link
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