Dear Eric: The last four years of my father’s life, I was a near constant caregiver. I visited him daily, did his lawn work, took him to doctor’s appointments, to the barber, occasionally to dinner or a movie. I always took care of his finances and medications. He would call me as many as 10 or 15 times a day about various things or just to talk. After he died about a year ago, I have been overcome with guilt.

Sections:  living   
  • Asking Eric: A year after my father’s death, I still feel like a bad son
    Still Grieving Dear Still Grieving: My heart aches for you. There’s no perfect caregiver; there’s no perfect son; there’s no perfect grief. With time, try to offer yourself forgiveness.
    12/12/2024 - 6:08 pm | View Link
  • Asking Eric: Caregiver son struggles with guilt over not doing enough
    Still Grieving Dear Still Grieving: My heart aches for you. There’s no perfect caregiver; there’s no perfect son; there’s no perfect grief. With time, try to offer yourself forgiveness.
    12/12/2024 - 3:30 pm | View Link
  • Asking Eric: Caregiver son struggles with guilt over not doing enough
    The last four years of my father’s life, I was a near constant caregiver. I visited him daily, did his lawn work, took him to doctor’s appointments, to the barber, occasionally to dinner or a ...
    12/12/2024 - 11:15 am | View Link
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