Comment on 'Today' anchor Hoda Kotb says a former boss told her she might want to 'get on the treadmill'

'Today' anchor Hoda Kotb says a former boss told her she might want to 'get on the treadmill'

Hoda Kotb says she was body-shamed by her former boss.Nathan Congleton/NBCHoda Kotb, 60, says she was body-shamed by a former boss when she was younger."He goes, 'Hey, I got an idea. Maybe you might want to try to get on the treadmill,'" Kotb said, recalling his words.In the US, there are no federal laws that prohibit weight discrimination.Hoda Kotb, 60, says she was body-shamed by her former boss.During Monday's episode of "Today with Hoda and Jenna," Kotb recalled how her former boss had made comments about her weight when she was younger."I still remember I had just started working in a small market.


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