Poll | featured news

Poll gives Donnelly 11-point lead over Mourdock

Richard Mourdock

A poll of likely voters in Indiana showed Democratic Senate candidate Joe Donnelly with an eleven point lead over GOP rival Richard Mourdock, whose comments on rape and abortion in October drew consternation from Democrats and some Republicans.


NBC/WSJ/Marist polls: Obama leads in Iowa, running neck and neck in N.H, Wis.

Less than a week before Election Day, President Barack Obama holds a statistically significant lead over Republican nominee Mitt Romney in the battleground of Iowa, while the two candidates are locked in tight races in New Hampshire and Wisconsin.


Gallup: Voter turnout could be lower than 2004, 2008

Gallup suggests voter turnout for the presidential election will be lower than in 2004 and 2008. In polling taken before superstorm Sandy hit, Gallup says registered voters were giving less thought to the election and saying they were less likely to vote in the contest between President Obama and Mitt Romney.


Race is tied, but most think Obama will win: Reuters/Ipsos poll

The U.S. presidential race remains a dead heat one week before Election Day but most Americans think President Barack Obama will defeat Republican Mitt Romney, according to a Reuters/Ipsos daily tracking poll released on Tuesday.


Obama at 49 percent, Romney 46 percent nine days before election: Reuters/Ipsos poll

President Barack Obama has extended his narrow lead over Republican challenger Mitt Romney among likely voters in a race that remains statistically tied nine days before the election, according to a Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll released on Sunday.


Poll: Kaine maintains lead over Allen as Senate race nears climax

Timothy M. Kaine enters the final days of Virginia’s U.S. Senate contest with a clear advantage over George Allen, a new Washington Post poll shows, keeping an edge despite a tightening presidential race and an avalanche of outside spending against the Democrat.


Obama clings to slim lead in Virginia, according to poll

President Obama is clinging to a slender, four-point lead over Republican Mitt Romney in Virginia, as both sides ramp up already aggressive campaigns in the crucial battleground state, according to a new Washington Post poll.


AP poll: Majority harbor prejudice against blacks

Racial attitudes have not improved in the four years since the United States elected its first black president, an Associated Press poll finds, as a slight majority of Americans now express prejudice toward blacks whether they recognize those feelings or not. Those views could cost President Barack Obama votes as he tries for re-election, the survey found, though the effects are mitigated by some Americans' more favorable views of blacks.


Presidential race still virtually even: Reuters/Ipsos poll


President Barack Obama holds a narrow lead of 2 percentage points over Republican challenger Mitt Romney in Reuters/Ipsos poll results released on Saturday, leaving the race effectively tied as fewer voters say they are likely to change their minds.

Senh: In last week's poll, Mitt Romney was ahead by 1%. Looks like the momentum has moved to Barack Obama after two consecutive debate victories.


FiveThirtyEight: The State of the States

Joe Biden and Barack Obama

Thursday's polls served to clarify that Barack Obama maintains a narrow lead in states that would get him to 270 electoral votes.


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