Women, Study | featured news

Study: Women who keep food diary more likely to lose weight

Women who keep a food journal, don't skip meals and don't eat out lunch at restaurants very often lose more weight, a new study shows.


Health roundup: Wine may boost bone health

Wine for good for your bones too!

Women who enjoy a nightly glass of wine may do their bones a favor by keeping up the habit after menopause, a small study suggests. Researchers took blood samples from 40 post-menopausal women having or skipping their usual one or two nightly drinks (mostly wine) and found signs of more rapid bone breakdown when the women abstained.

Senh: Wine is good for your bones, too! Damn. Maybe it's time for me to switch from beer to wine.


Study: 'Smart bomb' drug attacks breast cancer

Breast Cancer Treatment: Smart Bomb

Doctors have successfully dropped the first "smart bomb" on breast cancer, using a drug to deliver a toxic payload to tumor cells while leaving healthy ones alone.


Breast-feeding hurts moms' earnings, study finds

Breast Feeding

Along with a list of breast-feeding’s health benefits for mothers and children, pediatricians often tout an added bonus -- unlike formula, breast milk is free. Not so fast, researchers say.


Young women want it all, more than young men

Career Graph

In a major reversal from the 1990s, young women are now more likely than young men to say a successful, high-paying career is one of the most important things in life, a new study finds.


Study: Most gas pedal accidents involve women

Accidents in which drivers mistakenly hit the gas instead of the brake tend to involve older female drivers in parking lots, a new government study has found....


Study: Long use of any hormones poses breast cancer risk

New research suggests that long-term use of any type of hormones to ease menopause symptoms can raise a women's risk of breast cancer.


No sex necessary: Women have orgasms at the gym, study shows

Women may not need a guy, a vibrator, or any other direct sexual stimulation to have an orgasm, finds a new study on exercise-induced orgasms and sexual pleasure.


Drunken-driving arrests for women up 36 percent


The drunken-driving arrest of a Federal Aviation Administration chief isn’t the only news today about drinking behind the wheel. The number of drunken-driving arrests for women has shot up in recent years according to a study being released today by the Traffic Injury Research Foundation.


Women More Likely To Have 'Broken Heart Syndrome'

Women More Likely To Have 'Broken Heart Syndrome'

A woman's heart breaks more easily than a man's. Females are seven to nine times more likely to suffer "broken heart syndrome," when sudden or prolonged stress like an emotional breakup or death causes overwhelming heart failure or heart attack-like symptoms, the first nationwide study of this finds. Usually patients recover with no lasting damage.


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