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Losing already? Maybe Ron DeSantis' flailing presidential campaign caught 'woke mind virus.'

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' young presidential campaign is stumbling like a drunk fraternity bro with flop sweat.


'All are welcome': Why Garth Brooks' response to Bud Light backlash is the right move

Garth Brooks' approach is the mark of a business owner who wants to appeal to a variety of tastes and backgrounds. It's good marketing.


White House history can't be rewritten: How early presidents failed enslaved people

Many of America's early political leaders benefitted directly and indirectly from slavery, and relied on enslaved labor during their presidencies.


Should conservatives celebrate Juneteenth? Federal holiday honors a victory for America.

Some Republicans say Democrats only elevate Juneteenth to stoke racial divisions. But we should celebrate – not reject – a day grounded in freedom.


New poll shows racial issues divide Americans. But people of faith can help unite us.

The Black church has been a beacon of equality, justice and civil rights since our nation's earliest days.


I went to Pride in Tennessee and witnessed love, not indoctrination

For the people of Franklin, Tennessee, their city was divided over something as basic as a Pride event. Why can't we embrace everyone?


Brittney Griner handled airport troll like a pro. Can we finally pay her like one?

This likely won't be the last time Phoenix Mercury star Brittney Griner is harassed in an airport. And that raises questions about NBA, WNBA equality.


Social conservatism is on the rise. Maybe DeSantis is on to something with anti-'woke' fight.

The increase in Americans who identify as conservative runs counter to the common narrative in news media and popular culture.


Can a Reagan conservative win in today's GOP, or will Republicans stick with Trump?

Is there a market for a Republican who will focus on the future, enhanced opportunity and a positive agenda that addresses America's needs?


Racial justice doesn't have to divide us as Americans. Here's how we can work together.

Most Americans agree racial equality is important, though we have different ideas about how to address inequality: Hidden Common Ground poll


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