Home & Garden | featured news

Networx: 7 cheerful home improvement hacks for kitchen, bath

Networx: 7 cheerful home improvement hacks for kitchen, bath

Does this homeowner scenario sound familiar? Your bathroom or kitchen is looking awfully drab and in your heart, you’re longing to go ahead with a complete remodel. However, your bank statement tells you otherwise, as in, “Right now, cheap and cheerful is all you can afford.” Don’t worry. Here are seven great ways to achieve a high class, low budget look, with our home improvement hacks for your kitchen and bath.Create a contemporary “Comfort [...]


Networx: What homeowners must know about remodeling and the law

Planning to remodel your home? Great idea and good luck to you. Think you can do whatever you want to your house? Not so fast, my friend. Home remodeling is governed by your local laws. Fall afoul of them and you’ll be in big trouble. (Worst-case scenario: Someone might get hurt on your property. Really bad scenario: You might be forced to tear out the renovation work you’ve just done and paid for.) Make sure you do your homework and know the legalities before your contractor gets [...]


Networx: What homeowners must know about remodeling and the law

Networx: What homeowners must know about remodeling and the law

Planning to remodel your home? Great idea and good luck to you. Think you can do whatever you want to your house? Not so fast, my friend. Home remodeling is governed by your local laws. Fall afoul of them and you’ll be in big trouble. (Worst-case scenario: Someone might get hurt on your property. Really bad scenario: You might be forced to tear out the renovation work you’ve just done and paid for.) Make sure you do your homework and know the legalities before your contractor gets [...]


Networx: 8 ways the perfect paint job will enhance your home

It’s your home. Own it. The perfect paint job will go a long way toward making your house truly your own -- the highly functional, yet personalized and comfy space you long for. To get started, carefully choose the appropriate type of paint, in terms of both color and sheen, and the proper painting technique. Here’s how to use the right paint to enhance your home sweet home.Accent fabulous features. Is your home blessed with amazing architectural detail … like beautiful [...]


Networx: 7 outdoor lighting tips to keep you safe this summer

Lively parties on the patio and romantic tete-a-tetes under the trees are a huge part of what makes summer so awesome. And just the right type of lighting will only increase the awesome factor. However, do follow these seven simple safety tips to help keep yourself and your friends safe this summer.Use GFCI outlets for any exterior lighting. It’s the law. Ground fault circuit interrupters are required by code to help keep you safe, anywhere in your home that electricity comes into [...]


Networx: 7 of the hottest outdoor living accessories this summer

Believe it or not, summer is indeed on its way. One of the best parts of the season is playing, lounging, eating, and just generally relaxing in the open air. Make sure you’ll be ready to maximize your outdoor fun in the sun with these seven awesome accessories for deck, patio, or porch.Truly great grill. My personal favorite in the grill sweepstakes this season has got to be the little BBQ that could -- a mini propane grill small enough to fit on a tabletop, yet sufficiently large [...]


Here’s How: Install a retaining wall

Dear James: I’m planning a veggie garden on my sloping lot so I need a retaining wall. I have used timbers before, but blocks might hold up better. Which method do you prefer? -- Steve W.Dear Steve: Both methods for building a retaining are effective and can be attractive depending on the landscaping appearance you are seeking. Retaining wall blocks create a more formal look, while using railroad ties or landscaping timbers appears more rustic.It might seem as though stacking up [...]


Networx: 7 of the hottest outdoor living accessories this summer

Networx: 7 of the hottest outdoor living accessories this summer

Believe it or not, summer is indeed on its way. One of the best parts of the season is playing, lounging, eating, and just generally relaxing in the open air. Make sure you’ll be ready to maximize your outdoor fun in the sun with these seven awesome accessories for deck, patio, or porch.Truly great grill. My personal favorite in the grill sweepstakes this season has got to be the little BBQ that could -- a mini propane grill small enough to fit on a tabletop, yet sufficiently large [...]


Networx: Answers to 5 common questions about garage doors

Quick, name one of the most neglected parts of today’s house. Did you say “garage door?” If so, you’re right on the money. While we often invest oodles of energy remodeling a bathroom or building a deck, we spend precious little time tending to the feature that makes up 30 percent of our home’s frontage. Well, you can change that right now, by learning all about garage doors and their care.1. What is R-value, when it comes to garage doors?The R-value [...]


Networx: Answers to 5 common questions about garage doors

Networx: Answers to 5 common questions about garage doors

Quick, name one of the most neglected parts of today’s house. Did you say “garage door?” If so, you’re right on the money. While we often invest oodles of energy remodeling a bathroom or building a deck, we spend precious little time tending to the feature that makes up 30 percent of our home’s frontage. Well, you can change that right now, by learning all about garage doors and their care.1. What is R-value, when it comes to garage doors?The R-value [...]


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