Virginia | featured news

Coronavirus and Super Tuesday: What are Massachusetts elected officials doing?

Bring your own pen — black or blue — to the election booth today if you’re concerned about coronavirus. Seriously.On Monday, Secretary of the Commonwealth William Galvin announced during a news conference that he’s having the election officials take extra precautions around the state so the highly trafficked voting booths don’t become contamination sites as the number of [...]


How to prevent the coronavirus

What steps can you take now to prepare for the coronavirus?Prepare and remain calm. It’s a useful philosophy for life and comes in handy when faced with a fast-moving epidemic like the coronavirus.The virus, which was first flagged in China around the start of the new year, has spread quickly across the globe. Since January, cases have increased to more than 92,700 in more than 70 countries. Reports of confirmed cases in the U.S. have grown to more than 70 and at least 7 [...]


What you need to know about coronavirus

Here is a breakdown of some of the most frequently asked questions about COVID-19, the coronavirus disease.


Baker casts ballot, won't discuss his preferences

SWAMPSCOTT, MASS., MARCH 3, 2020.....When it comes to discussing presidential politics, Gov. Charlie Baker has been nothing this cycle if not consistent.Gov. Charlie Baker checked in at his polling place, First Church in Swampscott, before voting around 7 p.m. on Super Tuesday. [Photo: Sam Doran/SHNS]After months of resisting questions about who he would vote for on Super Tuesday, the state's top elected Republican showed up at the First Church in Swampscott on Tuesday [...]


St. Patrick's Day 2020: Where to celebrate in New England

Sure, the official day for St. Patrick's Day is March 17, but it's become a month-long celebration of Irish heritage in New England. For more content like this, be sure to sign up for our Venture New England newsletter!


Who are the Massachusetts primary delegates?

With Super Tuesday, there is a lot of talk about delegates. How many does each candidate have? How many do they need for the nomination?And it might leave you wondering — what actually is a delegate? And who are they?Big picture: [...]


POLL: Which Democratic presidential candidate will take on Trump?

And then there were five. The field of Democratic presidential candidates is shrinking. Who do you think will run against President Trump? Vote in our poll below and share your comments.


Booth cleaning, field shuffling ahead of prez primary

STATE HOUSE, BOSTON, MARCH 2, 2020.....Local election officials have been advised by the state's top election overseer to be vigilant about cleaning voting booths, swapping out pens shared by multiple voters and having extra poll workers on call as public health concerns over the spreading coronavirus collide Tuesday with the 1.85 million people expected to vote in the presidential primaries.Secretary of State William Galvin said Monday that he does not think the virus, which has [...]


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