Fiscal Cliff | featured news

Fiscal battles show divide in Republican Party

The budget battles rocking the capital have exposed a deepening fault line within an already fractured Republican Party: the divide between the GOP's solid Southern base and the rest of the country.


Fiscal failure: Latest deal solved nothing

We used to have a ship of state, and now we have a ship of fools. To call what happened on Capitol Hill over the last few days Kabuki is to insult Kabuki. What actually happened was more like ancient farce, when actors used to come out and hit each other over the head with socks full of cow pies.


New tax law packed with breaks for businesses

Tucked into the "fiscal cliff" tax package approved by Congress are billions of dollars in tax breaks that should make the new year a lot happier for businesses of many stripes, including film producers, race track owners and the makers of electric motorcycles....


Which countries tax the most?

Tax Rates

...As Americans attempt to decipher how the deal would affect their taxes, they can take heart in knowing that top tax rate for corporations in Uzbekistan — to name just one example — is near 98.5 percent.


Federal agencies bracing for cuts after ‘fiscal cliff’ deal

The fiscal pact Congress reached hours into the new year will delay $109 billion in automatic across-the-board spending cuts for two months. But it will make a down payment on those reductions that will affect federal operations this year and next.


Despite deal, taxes to rise for most Americans

While the tax package that Congress passed New Year's Day will protect 99 percent of Americans from an income tax increase, most of them will still end up paying more federal taxes in 2013.


House gives final passage to fiscal cliff bill

Joe Biden

Legislation to block the "fiscal cliff" is headed to the White House for President Barack Obama's signature. The bill will avoid, for now, the major tax increases and government spending cuts that had been scheduled to take effect with the new year.


Senate fiscal cliff deal now waits on House


House members were meeting to decide whether they would go along with the Senate's approval of a last-minute deal to pull the U.S. back from the so-called fiscal cliff.


US may skirt 'fiscal cliff' but faces higher taxes

A last-ditch tax deal in the Senate might let the U.S. economy will escape the worst of the so-called fiscal cliff and avoid going back into recession. But even if the House goes along, the tax increases likely coming in 2013 will dent economic growth anyway. In the early hours of the new year, the Senate voted to end a long stalemate and raise taxes on upper-income households, extend long-term unemployment benefits and postpone decisions over government spending cuts, officials said. But any deal needs approval from the House.


House won't vote before midnight on 'cliff' deal


Agonizingly close to a New Year's Eve compromise, the White House and congressional Republicans agreed Monday to block across-the-board tax increases set for midnight, but held up a final deal as they haggled away the final hours of 2012


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