New York Senator, New York | featured news

Why Caroline Kennedy's Senate Bid Flamed Out

By the time Caroline Kennedy finally announced she wanted to be New York's junior senator, her bid to replace Hillary Clinton was already in serious trouble.


Housekeeper and Taxes Are Said to Derail Kennedy’s Bid

An account by a person close to Gov. David A. Paterson is at odds with Caroline Kennedy’s own description of her reasons for withdrawing.


Kennedy bows out of Senate consideration

Caroline Kennedy, who was widely considered the front-runner to fill Hillary Clinton's U.S. Senate seat for New York, has removed herself from consideration for that post, according to three Democratic sources. The 51-year-old daughter of President John F. Kennedy indicated her interest in filling the seat after Clinton was nominated to be U.S. secretary of state.


N.Y. Gov.: No decision yet on Senate seat

New York Gov. David Paterson insisted Monday he still hasn't decided whom he will appoint to the Senate seat expected to soon be vacated by Hillary Rodham Clinton despite news reports to the contrary.


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