Pope Benedict Xvi, Pope | featured news

Vatican denies cover-up in U.S. sex abuse case

Vatican denies cover-up in U.S. sex abuse case

The Vatican says there was no cover-up in the sexual abuse case by an American priest accused of molesting 200 deaf boys and denounces what it calls attempts to smear Pope Benedict XVI.


'N.Y. Times': Office led by future pope was warned about priest

'N.Y. Times': Office led by future pope was warned about  priest

Milwaukee's Roman Catholic archbishop warned a top Vatican office led by the future Pope Benedict XVI about a priest who may ...


Pope Accepts Irish Bishop’s Resignation in Abuse Scandal

Pope Accepts Irish Bishop’s Resignation in Abuse Scandal

The resignation of the bishop, John Magee, added to the fallout of a scandal that has rocked the Catholic church in Ireland and throughout Europe.


Vatican officials defend pope on abuse

The Vatican denounces what it calls aggressive attempts to drag Pope Benedict XVI into the spreading scandals of pedophile priests in his German homeland.


Pope unhurt after knockdown, will give Christmas blessing

Pope unhurt after knockdown, will give Christmas blessing

The Vatican says Pope Benedict XVI is fine and will appear as planned for his traditional Christmas Day blessing hours after ...


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