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Is This Yahoo's Next CEO?

The head of Yahoo's online advertising business in North America said Monday he has been too busy trying to bring in more revenue to consider whether he would be willing to become the struggling Internet company's next CEO. Ross Levinsohn, Yahoo Inc.'s executive vice president of Americas, made his remarks during the kick-off of the Web 2.0 Summit. That's a three-day Internet conference that annually attracts prominent technology executives.


Web 2.0: Twitter Seeing Nearly 250 Million Tweets/Day; Over 100 Million Users

Twitter CEO Dick Costolo says his company is now seeing almost 250 million tweets every day, up from 100 million at the beginning of 2011. That’s a billion tweets every four or five days. Costolo made the comments in an on-stage interview with John Battelle at the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco on Monday night.


No 'F' Bombs From Carol Bartz At Web 2.0

But the Yahoo CEO's feisty personality was on display at the tech confab Tuesday.


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