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Taiwan's HTC: iPhone's `quiet' challenger

East Asia is the world's electronics factory, yet unless they are Japanese, producers are largely anonymous. Now HTC Corp., a Taiwanese maker of smart phones, is moving out of the shadows and trying to establish its own brand name as it competes with Apple's iPhone.


How does Samsung's Galaxy Tab compare?

Tablet computers to rival Apple's iPad are creating a stir as one of Europe's largest technology shows, the IFA, gets under way in Berlin.

Senh: It's interesting that the editor of Gizmodo on the video thinks that tablet computers are completely unnecessary if you've already have a smartphone and a laptop. Blame Steve Jobs. He's created a completely new market for tablet computers. I tend to agree with her. I have an HD2 and doesn't feel the need for an iPad, but I've heard of many people who has converted. Samsung's Galaxy Tab is only 7" compared to the 10" iPad. Since it's running Android which supports Flash, it's a great alternative to the iPad.


LG Readies Optimus Smartphones, Tablet

LG Electronics plans to launch 10 more smartphones and its first tablet computer by the end of the year, as it scrambles to catch up with rivals.

Senh: Every electronics company is jumping into consumer smartphones and tablet computers now. Steve Jobs revolutionized both of these fields.


Rumor: Google Chrome OS Tablet May Launch on Black Friday

Rumor: Google Chrome OS Tablet May Launch on Black Friday

Google is apparently planning on launching its own tablet device, but instead of relying on its already popular Android OS, this tablet will run Chrome OS. The rumor mill pegs Google's tablet launch date as November 26, which also happens to be “Black Friday" ...

Senh: It's a same. Google started building Chrome OS targeting the netbook market. Now, it seems like the iPad had stolen its thunder. It's gonna be confusing. Tablet manufacturers have already started building Android-powered tablets. Users will be confused and think that Chrome OS will be able to run apps created for Android devices. I think they might have to scrap Chrome OS eventually. It doesn't make sense to have both.


Executive Leaves Apple After iPhone Antenna Troubles

Executive Leaves Apple After iPhone Antenna Troubles

Mark Papermaster, the Apple executive in charge of hardware for the iPhone, left the company.

Senh: Apple's gotta point the finger at someone, and it looks like this guy's the scapegoat. And yet, they still wouldn't admit that there's a hardware problem.


Apple Scrubs Competitor Antenna Tests from Website

One of the key points at Apple's recent press conference to discuss the iPhone 4's antenna, was that the problem is not unique to the iPhone 4. To highlight this, Apple showed videos of the problem on smartphones by rival companies. Those videos were then posted to a special antenna page on Apple's website.

Senh: I'm surprised there hasn't been any lawsuits by rival companies yet.


Hassle free JailbreakMe Returns for iOS 4 Devices

JailbreakMe - a new jailbreak for iPhone 4 and iOS 4.0 based devices has arrived with a bang. Developed by c0mex, the same guy who came out with first iPad jailbreak Spirit, the new JailbreakMe solution is a Mobile Safari based remote jailbreak.


Amazon Introduces $139 Kindle With Wi-Fi as It Competes With Apple's IPad Inc. Chief Executive Officer Jeff Bezos cut prices and added features to the Kindle to defend it against a threat from Apple Inc. in the fast- growing market for electronic readers. Amazon introduced two new versions of the device today, including a $139 model that works with Wi-Fi. A second version, with 3G mobile technology as well as Wi-Fi to download books, costs $189. Bloomberg News reported details in May about Amazon’s plans for the Kindle, its bestselling product.


Ruling Allows ‘Jailbreaking’ of iPhones

Ruling Allows ‘Jailbreaking’ of iPhones

Owners of the iPhone will be able to break electronic locks on their devices in order to download applications that have not been approved by Apple.

Senh: It's not like people aren't already doing this. As long as people are jailbreaking the iPhone just for the unapproved software, and not to download software in the App Store for FREE. I'm surprised they let this through. I hope this means people can finally download competing software with Apple - like FireFox, Opera Mobile, and ... drum roll ... Flash.


Motorola CEO: Android To Rule

Speaking at a recent conference, Motorola CEO Sanjay Jha said he believes the mobile ecosystem will follow the path seen in the PC ecosystem and standardize on one dominant operating system. Android has gained some serious momentum in the ...

Senh: So far, it looks like Android will eventually be the dominant operating system for cell phones. It's hard beat FREE. It seems like there's a new Android phone out every month. Sure, the iPhone is best-selling smartphone out there for consumers, but when pretty much every other cell phone maker or carrier are coming up with new Android phones, it's hard to beat.


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