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Report Finds Browsing on Android Over 50% Faster Than on iPhone

Much attention in the battle between Android and iPhone goes to the availability of apps on each platform. But one of the most important feature of a smartphone might not be the availability and performance of native apps but the performance of the mobile web browser.


Top 10 Touch Screen Phones of 2011 – Much Anticipated Touch Screen Phones

Smart people choose smart phones. All the major cell-phones manufacturers are in the race to present the best touch screen smart phones. Here is the list of best touch screen phones, especially for those people who are looking for electronic gifts to present their siblings and dear ones.


Google Takes Heat Over App Security

Google Takes Heat Over App Security

A major software attack that distributed malicious programs to around 260,000 Android phones has put pressure on Google to do more to secure its market for smartphone apps.

Senh: With smartphones becoming more and more prevalent, it's just a matter of time before hackers start attacking it like desktop computers.


Why Apple can't make a white iPhone

How is it that a company that's been making electronics in white for at least a decade can't produce an iPhone 4 in that color?


Mobile App Revenue to Reach $38 Billion by 2015, Report Predicts

A new report predicts that revenues from downloadable applications will reach $38 billion by 2015. It may be hard to remember, but when the Apple iPhone had its debut in early 2007 there were only a few apps available for the device — no Angry Birds, Doodle Jump or Netflix.


Fast New Smartphone Network May Threaten GPS

Fast New Smartphone Network May Threaten GPS

A next-generation wireless smartphone network can stream video, blaze through the Net ... and steer your car into a ditch? Super-fast “fourth generation” networks carry data at speeds of up to 1 Gigabit per second. But the new network from LightSquared may take the high-flying GPS network to zero Gbps -- potentially preventing air-traffic control towers from keeping track of aircraft, the military from accurately relaying locations or ambulances from showing up at the right house after a 911 call.


Study: Brain cells react to phone signal

Study: Brain cells react to phone signal

The radiation emitted after just 50 minutes on a mobile phone increases the activity in brain cells, according to a new government-funded study.

Senh: Just to be on the safe side, use the speakerphone or a wired headphone, especially children who have smaller brains and thinner skulls.


Verizon iPhone Sales Fail To Meet Expectations: REPORT

Verizon iPhone Sales Fail To Meet Expectations: REPORT

One of our Apple sources has shared some very sensitive information on first-week Verizon iPhone launch sales with us. It's quite interesting -- we're being told sales are performing a little under what Apple and Verizon anticipated, and we have the data to show it.

Senh: Doh! What happened to the first day sales record? I guess it's a premature celebration.


Report: iPhone 5 to have huge screen

Component suppliers who work with Apple shared details which imply that the company is intending to build an iPhone with a 4-inch display.


Hand-Held Epidemic? Experts Fear Phone Viruses

Did you contract a virus yesterday? No, not that kind of virus. Most people are aware that computer viruses are legion. They know enough to avoid opening e-mail messages about wealthy Nigerians handing out free money or lost lottery winnings (just give them your bank account number and password!).


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