Supermarket, Retailer | featured news

Wal-Mart India unit suspends CFO, others pending bribery probe

Indian Walmart

The Indian joint venture of Wal-Mart Stores Inc has suspended its chief financial officer and other employees as it investigates alleged violations of U.S. anti-bribery laws, a development that could hamper India's efforts to open its domestic supermarket sector to foreign investment.


Why India may not be such an attractive destination for supermarkets

Indian Supermarkets

On Friday, the government finally cleared a controversial plan to open up its lucrative retail sector to global supermarket chains in an effort to revive a flagging economy. There has been a massive political kerfuffle over how the supposed invasion of global chains will destroy India's fabled "mom-and-pop" stores, which have a stranglehold on the retail market.


Supermarkets start bagging self-serve checkouts

When Keith Wearne goes grocery shopping, checking out with a cashier is worth the few extra moments, rather than risking that a self-serve machine might go awry and delay him even more....

Senh: I actually like those things. As soon as you get the hang of it and know what kind of things you shouldn't checkout there, it's very convenient.


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