Anti-government Protest, Unrest | featured news

Yemen forces open fire at protest, 30 dead

Yemen forces open fire at protest, 30 dead

Yemeni security forces and unidentified snipers opened fire at a protest in Sanaa after Muslim prayers Friday, killing at least 30 people and wounding 200 others, medical sources and witnesses told Reuters.


Gadhafi forces pound rebel stronghold

Moammar Gadhafi's troops pummeled rebel forces Tuesday in the last major city outside their stronghold of Benghazi.


Bahrain declares state of emergency

The move by King Hamed ibn Isa Khalifa to quell a growing uprising is akin to three months of martial law for Bahrain. With hundreds of foreign military and police in the nation to support the government, protesters and their foes set up rival checkpoints.


Saudi Troops Enter Bahrain to Help Put Down Unrest

Saudi officials say that about 1,000 Saudi troops have entered Bahrain, and opposition groups denounced the move as a foreign occupation.


'Day of rage' planned for Saudi Arabia

Defying a government ban on all kinds of public demonstrations, a group is planning a "Day of Rage" protests Friday in Saudi Arabia.


Dow tumbles below 12,000 on Saudi unrest and global economic fears

Stocks tumbled Thursday, hit first by new worries about global growth and then by reports that Saudi police had fired on protesters.


Libyan forces fire on mourners at funeral again

Libyan forces fire on mourners at funeral again

Libyan security forces open fired on mourners at a funeral for anti-government protesters in the eastern city of Benghazi again Sunday, a day after commandos and foreign mercenaries loyal to longtime leader Moammar Gadhafi pummeled demonstrators with assault rifles and other heavy weaponry as well as knives.


Kyrgyz opposition forms interim government

Kyrgyz opposition forms interim government

An opposition coalition proclaimed a new interim government Thursday in Kyrgyzstan after clashes left dozens dead nationwide ...


Police fire on protesters in Kyrgyzstan

Anti-government unrest rocked the Central Asian nation of Kyrgyzstan on Wednesday as thousands of protesters stormed the main ...


Political Unrest Flares in Iran

Political Unrest Flares in Iran

Clashes erupt between police, protesters; Iranian police detain employees of British Embassy.


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