Housing Market, Foreclosure | featured news

JPMorgan, Citigroup halting foreclosures

JPMorgan, Citigroup halting foreclosures

JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Citigroup Inc. are halting home foreclosures while the Obama administration develops its plans to help the U.S. housing market.


Obama Considers Plan to Cut Home Payments

Obama Considers Plan to Cut Home Payments

President Obama's administration is considering spending taxpayer dollars to cut monthly payments for homeowners on the verge of foreclosure, according to two people briefed on the proposals.


A Better Bank Fix: Cut Every Mortgage's Principal

A Better Bank Fix: Cut Every Mortgage's Principal

Banks can't unload their toxic assets. But what if their assets weren't toxic?


Foreclosures push U.S. home prices to 5-year low

Prices of existing U.S. single-family homes dropped a record 12.4 percent in the fourth quarter from a year earlier to the lowest level since 2003, the National Association of Realtors said on Thursday.


Obama promises plan to cut mortgage costs

Obama promises plan to cut mortgage costs

President Barack Obama promised on Saturday to help lower Americans' mortgage costs with a new plan, coming soon, that would revive the financial system and "get credit flowing again."


Fed moves to help distressed homeowners

With home foreclosures spiking, the Federal Reserve is taking steps to try to keep some distressed borrowers in their homes.


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