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Italy has debt rating cut by S&P

Italy has debt rating cut by S&P

Italy's sovereign debt rating cut by Standard & Poor's, the latest move in a deepening and continuing European debt crisis.


EU to urge U.S., Japan to act on public deficits at G20

The European Union will call on China this week to boost domestic demand and on the United States and Japan to tackle their public deficits as part of global efforts to rebalance growth, an EU document showed.


Stocks fall as Greek debt woes persist

Stocks fall as Greek debt woes persist

Stocks are tumbling as investors worry that Greece won't qualify for a new installment of emergency funds in time to avoid defaulting on its debt.


World Bank chief says world economy in new danger zone

The head of the World Bank said Wednesday the world had entered a new economic danger zone and that Europe, Japan and the United States all need to make hard decisions to avoid dragging down the global economy.


France Vows 'Whatever it Takes' to Rescue Greece

France Vows 'Whatever it Takes' to Rescue Greece

France is ready to do whatever it takes to rescue Greece, the government said, and urged the debt-laden euro-zone member to swiftly implement the July 21 plan to prevent bankruptcy.


Fed set to give economy therapy, not shock treatment

The Federal Reserve, facing rising global financial strains and recession fears, is poised to increase downward pressure on longer-term interest rates next week in a bid to accelerate a sputtering U.S. recovery.


Greek Default Fears Spoil The Fun And Send Global Equities Plummeting

Greek Default Fears Spoil The Fun And Send Global Equities Plummeting

After a series of positive announcement from Greek FinMin Venizelos, rumors that Moody's would downgrade French banks and Germany was preparing for a Greece to default send equities tanking, particularly French banks.


A decade on, rise of BRICs shaped by September 11

As his global teleconference broke up in disarray on September 11, 2001, a top economist at a U.S. investment bank began to ponder what the attacks on the United States might tell him about the future shape of the world.


IMF says policymakers should use all measures

Policymakers in advanced economies should use all available tools to boost growth, International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde said on Friday, calling for bold action to weather a "dangerous new phase" of recovery.


Italy and Spain pass budget plans

Italy and Spain pass new measures as they battle to control their debts while Greece steps up its austerity plans.


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