Europe, Global Economy | featured news

Euro zone to back Portugal aid, IMF deputy attends

Euro zone finance ministers are ready to back an EU/IMF bailout of Portugal at a Monday meeting overshadowed by the arrest of International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn on sexual assault charges.


VIDEO: Why Greece may need second bail-out

Speculation is growing that Greece may need a second financial bail-out from the international community


Ireland gets thumbs-up from EU/IMF

A Moody's downgrade and growing speculation Greece may eventually restructure its debt took the shine off Ireland's thumbs-up from the EU and the IMF on Friday for its efforts to claw its way back from crisis.


S&P Downgrades Portugal, Greece

Ratings agency Standard & Poor's downgraded two of the euro zone's most troubled member states, citing fears that the pair may have to restructure their debt after 2013.


German Economy Grew At a Record Pace

German Economy Grew At a Record Pace

Germany's economy in 2010 grew at its strongest rate since the country's reunification, propelled by exports and rising investment, the Federal Statistics Office said.


Spanish Christmas lottery hands out $3 billion

Spanish Christmas lottery hands out $3 billion

Spain's beloved Christmas lottery sprinkled euro2.3 billion ($3 billion) in holiday cheer across the country Wednesday, winnings eagerly welcomed by a nation facing 20 percent unemployment....


Improvements to the US Economy Has Investors Ignoring the Problems in Europe

If we did not find ourselves smack in the middle of the Holiday season, I’d probably be talking about how the bull camp’s momentum appears to be waning and that we should be bracing for a meaningful pullback in response to the tiring trend, the overbought condition, and the overly optimistic sentiment readings. And while these issues are indeed present, it appears that the holiday spirit and the corresponding portfolio allocations may be the primary driver to what I will loosely term the current trend.


U.S. leads rich-world recovery as Europe lags: Reuters poll

U.S. leads rich-world recovery as Europe lags: Reuters poll

The United States will lead the rich world's economic recovery over the next two years while Japan and major European economies flounder by comparison, according to Reuters polls of more than 200 economists.


Pressure Rises to Bolster European Bailout Fund

The Belgian finance minister and International Monetary Fund suggested that the scope of measures to stabilize the euro should be strengthened.


Newsweek: U.S., Europe can learn from Asian recovery

Newsweek: U.S., Europe can learn from Asian recovery

As they try to recover, the U.S. and Europe could use a refresher course in Eastern studies.


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