Japan, Aftershock | featured news

Tsunami warning after 7.4 magnitude Japan quake

Tsunami warning after 7.4 magnitude Japan quake

A strong aftershock rattled Japan and officials issued a tsunami warning Thursday night nearly a month after a devastating earthquake and tsunami flattened the northeastern coast. The warning was lifted 90 minutes later, but not before announcers on Japan's public broadcaster NHK told coastal residents to run to higher ground and away from the shore.


Japan nuclear fears ease as power is restored

Japan nuclear fears ease as power is restored

Japan's nuclear crisis eased Tuesday, as power returned to reactor control rooms. Meanwhile, the death toll climbed and aftershocks continued. ...


Map: See Japan Get Battered By 572 Earthquakes in Eight Days

Map: See Japan Get Battered By 572 Earthquakes in Eight Days

Watch this stunning sequence of the hundreds of aftershocks to the massive 9.0 earthquake that has sent Japan reeling.


Magnitude 6.0 earthquake hits eastern Japan

A magnitude 6.0 earthquake shook eastern Japan on Tuesday, one of the most powerful aftershocks to hit the country since Friday's devastating earthquake and tsunami which killed at least 10,000 people, public broadcaster NHK said.


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