Child Abuse, Child Sex Abuse | featured news

Papal envoy to run scandal-plagued priestly order

Papal envoy to run scandal-plagued priestly order

Pope Benedict will appoint a special envoy to run and reform an influential Roman Catholic priestly order whose late founder was discovered to have been a sexual molester and to have fathered at least one child.


What is a Life Without Sex Like?

What is a Life Without Sex Like?

The recent scandal over handling of child abuse in the Catholic church has again focused attention on celibacy.


Belgian bishop resigns, apologizes for sexual abuse

Belgian bishop resigns, apologizes for sexual abuse

Belgium's longest serving bishop resigned Friday, saying he was "enormously sorry" for having sexually abused a young boy about ...


Irish bishop resigns, says he didn't report sexual abuse

Irish bishop resigns, says he didn't report sexual abuse

Pope Benedict XVI accepted the resignation Thursday of an Irish bishop who admitted he didn't challenge the Dublin church's policy ...


Cardinal being replaced as celebrant of Latin Mass in DC

A controversial cardinal who was scheduled to deliver an elaborate Latin Mass this weekend in Washington at one of the nation's most prominent Catholic churches is being replaced after clergy sex-abuse victims and activists expressed ...


Pope promises action on abuse scandal

Pope promises action on abuse scandal

Pope Benedict XVI was "deeply affected" by a meeting with victims of abuse by Catholic clergy, he said Wednesday, in his first public comments on the scandal in more than a month.


Abusers will be brought to justice, pope tells victims

Pope Benedict XVI today promised a group of sexual abuse victims in Malta that he will make sure their abusers are brought "to justice," the Vatican announced.


$1.4 million verdict in Boy Scout abuse case

An Oregon jury finds the Boy Scouts of America negligent in a case of repeated sexual abuse by an assistant Scoutmaster in the 1980s and awards the plaintiff $1.4 million.



Vatican Clarifies Its Policy on Reporting Abuse

The Vatican for the first time released guidelines that explicitly say that bishops and other high-ranking clerics should report cases of abuse to police if required by law.


Does Catholic celibacy contribute to child sex abuse?

With the Roman Catholic Church facing a series of pedophilia scandals, some observers have begun to ask whether the tradition of celibacy in the priesthood has contributed to child abuse.


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