Israeli-palestinian Dispute, Gaza Strip | featured news

Israeli Navy Fires on Palestinian Divers Off Gaza, Killing Four

Israeli forces have killed four Palestinian divers that Israel says were heavily armed and preparing to carry out a terrorist attack. The Israel Defense Forces says its navy spotted several men in diving suits off the coast of the Gaza Strip.


Fatalities on Gaza Flotilla Said to Include U.S. Citizen

Fatalities on Gaza Flotilla Said to Include U.S. Citizen

One of the nine people killed in the Israeli raid was an American citizen of Turkish descent, according to a Turkish official.


Deadly Israeli raid met with global protests

As some world leaders came out against an Israeli raid on a flotilla carrying humanitarian supplies to Gaza, so did protesters in various cities around the world.


Pro-Palestinian activists killed on Gaza aid flotilla

Ten killed, dozens wounded aboard flotilla bound for the Gaza Strip when Israeli commandos seized control of the boats, the Israeli army says.


Israeli warplanes bomb Gaza Strip: witnesses

Israeli warplanes bomb Gaza Strip: witnesses

Israeli warplanes carried out at least five missile attacks on the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip on Friday, Palestinian witnesses said.


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