New York, Schenectady County | featured news

Suburban Council basketball preview

By Michael KellyJim Schiltz
Gazette Reporter

Schenectady senior forward Tyrone Jenkins smiled as he watched a bunch of Patriots zip up and down the floor at a recent basketball practice at the Pat Riley Sports Center.


Pennsylvania recount effort dealt major blow in anti-Trump push

Pennsylvania appears increasingly unlikely to have a statewide recount of its votes, diminishing the last long-shot hope by opponents of Donald Trump that a review of the ballots could overturn his election as president.


The scourge of racial bias in New York state prisons

The racism can be felt from the moment black inmates enter New York’s upstate prisons.


Cuba puts Castro to rest

Bringing to an end nine days of national mourning, the ashes of Fidel Castro were buried Sunday morning in a cemetery in this coastal city where, 63 years ago, he began his socialist revolution.


Vireo cheers Department of Health medical marijuana decision

By Daniel Fitzsimmons
Gazette Reporter

An official at the medical marijuana company Vireo Health applauded the Department of Health’s recent decision to add chronic pain as a qualifying condition for the New York’s medical marijuana program.


Trump expands search for secretary of state

President-elect Donald Trump is broadening the field of candidates for secretary of state as his transition team remains divided nearly a month after the election over how to fill the most prominent gap in his prospective Cabinet.


Families flock to Mohawk Avenue for annual Scotia celebration

By Brett Samuels
Gazette Reporter

‘Tis the season for holiday celebrations, and community members came out in force on Sunday to commemorate a regular tradition in the Village of Scotia.


Federal officials to explore different route for Dakota pipeline

The Army Corps of Engineers announced Sunday that it would not approve permits for construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline beneath a dammed section of the Missouri River that tribes say sits near sacred burial sites.


Northeast Ballet presents magical ‘Nutcracker’

Northeast Ballet’s annual production of “The Nutcracker” on Sunday at Proctors was a magical and satisfying afternoon for a near-capacity crowd, most of them children.


Ford open to making deals with Trump on keeping jobs, CEO says

Ford is willing to work with Donald Trump to keep jobs in the U.S. if the president-elect puts the right policies in place, the automaker's chief executive officer said.


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