Board Of Directors | featured news

Murdoch resigns from News Corp. subsidiary boards

Rupert Murdoch

Media mogul Rupert Murdoch has resigned as a director of a number of News Corp. boards overseeing his Britain newspapers, a spokeswoman confirmed Saturday. He also quit from some of the media company's subsidiary boards in the United States.


Report: News Corp. board approves company split

News Corp

The board of directors at Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. has approved a plan that calls for splitting the global media conglomerate into two separate companies, one holding its newspaper business and another its entertainment operations, according to a report in The Wall Street Journal.


Dissident Shareholder Nominees Backed for AOL Board

Institutional Shareholder Services, the influential shareholder advisory firm, has recommended that AOL stockholders vote for two of the three board nominees put forward by dissident shareholder Starboard Value.


Yahoo to Complete Board Overhaul


Yahoo said it would appoint three new independent directors to its board in April, as the Internet company aims to complete an overhaul of its board and leadership while avoiding a proxy fight with an unhappy large shareholder.


AT&T Cuts CEO Pay by $2M Over Failed T-Mobile Buyout

Randall Stephenson

AT&T's board of directors has reportedly moved to slash CEO Randall Stephenson's 2011 compensation by more than $2 million due to the executive's role in the unsuccessful attempt to acquire competitor T-Mobile.


Four Yahoo board members to leave as turnaround bid continues

Roy Bostock

Yahoo will forge its future without Chairman Roy Bostock and three other board members, the struggling Internet company said.


IAC/Interactive Names Chelsea Clinton To The Board

IAC/Interactive, Barry Diller's conglomerate of Internet businesses, disclosed in an SEC filing this afternoon that the company has named Chelsea Clinton, daughter of former president Bill Clinton and current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, to the company's board of directors.


Hewlett-Packard Board Meets on Replacing C.E.O.

Hewlett-Packard Board Meets on Replacing C.E.O.

Directors of the company were considering Meg Whitman, the former chief of eBay, to replace Léo Apotheker, sources said.


Morgan Stanley chairman John Mack to retire at end of 2011

Morgan Stanley’s chairman John Mack will step down as chairman and leave the board of directors at the end of 2011. The widely expected move brings an end to a storied Wall Street career for Mack. The North Carolina native was CEO of Morgan Stanley from 2005 to 2009. Current CEO James Gorman will take over the chairman’s role.


Third Point appeals to Yahoo founder Yang for change

Third Point appeals to Yahoo founder Yang for change

Yahoo Inc shareholder Daniel Loeb appealed to the company's co-founder Jerry Yang to fire Chairman Roy Bostock and several other directors to revive the Internet media company after years of poor performance.


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