Congress | featured news

Obama Calls on Congress to Pass Finance Reform

In his weekly radio and Internet address, President Obama said that Congress needed to enact reforms to protect consumers, keep banks strong and safeguard the U.S. economy.


Jobs bill wins easy approval

Senate votes 68-29 to clear $18 billion measure for President Obama's signature Wednesday.


FCC backs plan to speed up Internet

Communications regulators submitted to Congress a national broadband plan that aims to expand access, increase Internet speeds and shift airwaves to mobile services.


Toyota disputes allegations that it withheld evidence

It tells Congress it has gone to great lengths to share information, but acknowledges the existence of the Books of Knowledge, or troves of technical information about its vehicles.

Toyota Motor Corp.


Dodd to offer his own financial reform bill, saying bipartisan talks have failed

With time running out on the Senate calendar, the banking committee chairman says he wants the panel to begin considering the bill March 22, even though the GOP can block legislation.

With time running out this year for the Senate to deal with financial regulatory reform legislation, Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd said Thursday he plans to offer his own bill after lengthy bipartisan talks failed to produce a consensus.


Jobless benefit bill moves forward

Jobless benefit bill moves forward

A nearly $140 billion bill to extend unemployment benefits and a host of expiring tax cuts cleared a procedural hurdle Tuesday in the Senate on a vote of 66-34, setting up passage of the bill possibly later in the day.


Eric Massa to resign from Congress

Eric Massa to resign from Congress

New York Rep. Eric Massa will resign his House seat on Monday at 5 p.m., he said in a statement Friday, a move that comes just days after he announced his plans to retire at the end of the year.


Senate rejects $250 checks for elderly

Senate rejects $250 checks for elderly

A measure backed by President Obama to pay 57 million elderly people, veterans, and disabled is nixed.


Obama reasserts Volcker rule, Senate bill seen

The Obama administration reasserted its commitment to banning proprietary trading by banks with draft legislative language on Wednesday, despite signs that Congress is unlikely to adopt such a rule.


NC congressman wants Ronald Reagan put on $50 bill

A U.S. congressman from North Carolina wants the $50 bill redrawn to feature the face of former President Ronald Reagan....


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