Congress | featured news

New deductions, credits available for ’09 taxes

New deductions, credits available for ’09 taxes

When taxpayers sit down to file their 2009 returns, they will find plenty new — some the result of adjusting for inflation, and other changes passed by Congress to fight the downturn.


Lone Republican Senator blocking a million-plus Americans from receiving unemployment benefits

Lone Republican Senator blocking a million-plus Americans from receiving unemployment benefits

Sarah Palin stormed the bestseller list last year with "Going Rogue"-a political memoir whose title coyly referenced the former GOP vice presidential nominee's supposed defiance of the consultants running the McCain campaign.


Ethics panel finds Rangel broke rules

Rep. Charles Rangel, the influential chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, was publicly admonished by the House ethics panel Thursday for taking trips to the Caribbean that were paid for by private corporations.


Dems hurting, but lead in cash for midterm elections

Amid sinking poll numbers and a spate of retirements by veteran lawmakers, Democrats have one early advantage heading into November's congressional elections: money.


Congress Subpoenas Ex-Toyota Lawyer; Toyoda to Testify

Congress Subpoenas Ex-Toyota Lawyer; Toyoda to Testify

U.S. lawmakers moved Thursday to obtain internal company documents that a former Toyota official alleges show the auto maker hid safety defects from federal regulators. Separately, Toyota's president agreed to testify before Congress.


Obama Debt Commission: Erskine Bowles, Alan Simpson To Chair Panel, Says Obama Official

Determined to have a deficit commission with or without Congress' backing, President Barack Obama plans to announce on Thursday that he is establishing a panel similar to – although weaker than – the one lawmakers rejected.


Members Of Congress In Serious Re-Election Jeopardy: POLL

Just 8 percent of Americans want the members of Congress re-elected, according to a CBS News-New York Times poll taken nine months before roughly one-third of the Senate and the entire House face voters.

The Feb. 5-10 survey found 81 percent of respondents saying the lawmakers shouldn't receive another term.


Charlie Wilson, Former Congressman, Dies at 76

Charlie Wilson, Former Congressman, Dies at 76

A hospital spokeswoman said the former congressman from Texas, chronicled in the movie “Charlie Wilson's War,” died of cardiopulmonary arrest.


Geithner: Bank fee would recoup AIG bonuses

Geithner: Bank fee would recoup AIG bonuses

Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner says Congress can recoup "outrageous" bonuses for AIG employees through a new bank fee in President Barack Obama's proposed budget.


Obama's 2010 budget: deficit soars amid job spending

Obama's 2010 budget: deficit soars amid job spending

President Barack Obama pledged on Monday to halve a record 2010 budget deficit by the end of his first term in office, but made tackling double-digit unemployment his immediate priority with a spending plan that risked public ire and a rough battle in Congress.


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