Health Care | featured news

Democrats to bypass tradition on health compromise

House and Senate Democrats intend to bypass traditional procedures when they negotiate a final compromise on health care legislation, ...


Health Bill Push, With Little Pushback

As lawmakers take a recess, several Dems ready to give in if it means getting the trillion-dollar bill to Obama quickly.


Senate OK's health care bill in victory for Obama

Senate OK's health care bill in victory for Obama

In an epic struggle settled at dawn, the Democratic-controlled Senate passed health care legislation Thursday, a triumph for President Barack Obama that clears the way for compromise talks with the House on a bill to reduce the ranks of the uninsured and rein in the insurance industry.


GOP tries to derail health bill

GOP tries to derail health bill

Congressional Republicans on Wednesday plan to mount a last-ditch challenge to the health care bill moving through the Senate, arguing that a key provision is unconstitutional.


U.S. health bill passes crucial Senate test

U.S. health bill passes crucial Senate test

A broad healthcare overhaul passed its first crucial test in the U.S. Senate on Monday, with 60 Democrats voting to put President Barack Obama's top legislative priority on a path to passage by Christmas.


Holdout Nelson agrees to back healthcare bill

Holdout Nelson agrees to back healthcare bill

With a critical vote looming this weekend, Senate Democrats finalized a deal this morning with the lone Democratic holdout, Nebraska Sen. Ben Nelson, who will back the party's healthcare bill after settling weeks of negotiating over abortion.


Senator Reports Progress in Talks on Health Bill

Senator Ben Nelson said that he and Democratic leaders had made “real progress” in negotiations on abortion, but there was no final agreement.


Liberal Revolt on Health Care Stings White House

Liberal Revolt on Health Care Stings White House

Frustrated by the intense courting of moderates, liberals are signaling that they have compromised enough.


In Senate Health Showdown, Round Goes to G.O.P.

In Senate Health Showdown, Round Goes to G.O.P.

As Senate Democrats struggle to line up 60 votes and pass their health care bill before Christmas, an attempt to debate a single-payer system fails.


'You lie!' on Yale list of year's memorable quotes

The fierce debate over health care hasn't led to a new law yet, but it's produced some of this year's top quotes, according to a Yale University librarian....


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