Nfl | featured news

N.F.L. Deal Is Said to Be Weeks Away as Talks Restart

Owners and players are expected to continue talking Friday in Minneapolis; the sides are sparring over issues like how to divide revenue.


NFL, players resume talks as time grows short

Negotiations between the NFL and locked out players resumed Tuesday in Minnesota amid hopes that a deal could be completed by the end of next week to put the sport back in business.


Burress leaves NY prison for uncertain NFL career

Former New York Giants star Plaxico Burress was released from prison on Monday after spending nearly two years behind bars on a gun charge and headed to Florida to be with his family as he contemplates his chances of playing again in the NFL....


In memoir, Tim Tebow details blessed life rooted in faith

In memoir, Tim Tebow details blessed life rooted in faith

Tim Tebow is a 23-year-old second-year, second-string quarterback on a so-so NFL team. So who's going to buy his memoirs? What's to remember? ...


And the winner of 'Dancing With the Stars' is ...

And the winner of 'Dancing With the Stars' is ...

Chelsea Kane might have been the best dancer of the bunch. Kirstie Alley might have been the most interesting and inspiring. But judges’ favorite and promising ballroom star Hines Ward, with new fans and his old Steelers Nation behind him, won it all.


NFL Owners, Players Resume Mediation

NFL owners and their locked-out players have resumed court-ordered mediation. Commissioner Roger Goodell, executive vice president Jeff Pash and team owners Mike Brown, John Mara, Jerry Richardson and Art Rooney arrived at the federal courthouse in Minneapolis on Monday morning along with legal counsel.


Ex-Dallas RB Springs dies after long coma

Former Dallas Cowboys running back Ron Springs, who spent the past four years in a coma after losing oxygen during a 2007 operation, has died without ever regaining consciousness. He was 54....


Tangles found in NFL player's brain

Tangles found in NFL player's brain

His was a suicide with a macabre twist. In February, former Chicago Bears safety David Duerson shot himself in the chest, but not before leaving behind a note requesting his brain be studied for evidence of a disease striking football players.


Who are winners, losers at NFL Draft

Who are winners, losers at NFL Draft

Musings, observations and the occasional insight as we wrap up day three of the NFL draft and the entire seven-round pick-fest at Radio City Music Hall ...


QB Cam Newton goes 1st in NFL draft to Panthers

QB Cam Newton goes 1st in NFL draft to Panthers

Cam Newton's selection as the No. 1 pick turned out to be one of the few predictable elements of this most unusual NFL draft....


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