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Distressing news: House prices still falling

Falling Home Prices

The economy seems to have picked up in the second half of the year. But apparently no one told the housing market. Home prices continued to fall in October, even as sales of existing homes picked up and homebuilders applied for more permits. After stabilizing this summer, prices fell at a 7.5 percent annual rate in the three months ending in October, according to the latest data from CoreLogic, a real estate research firm.


Mass. AG sues five major banks over foreclosures

Massachusetts' top lawmaker has sued five top U.S. banks for allegedly foreclosing illegally on homes in the state and for deceptive loan servicing, including robo-signing.


'Die Hard' star Willis selling Idaho home for $15M

"Die Hard" movie star Bruce Willis is asking $15 million for his Idaho home complete with a guesthouse, gym and pool with water slides.


Federal Housing Administration running low on cash: report

The Federal Housing Administration's cash reserves have dropped so low that there is a close to a 50 percent chance it could run out of funds and may require a taxpayer bailout next year, the Wall Street Journal said, citing an annual independent audit of the agency's finances.


Mortgage Rates Below 4% for Second Time

For the second time in history—and the second time in as many months—average rates on 30-year fixed-rate mortgages fell below 4%.


Cubans Can Buy and Sell Property, Government Says

Cubans Can Buy and Sell Property, Government Says

The new law announced Thursday is the most significant market reform yet approved by the government of Raúl Castro, and one that will likely reshape Cuba’s cities and conceptions of class.

Senh: One of the things we take for granted here is finally available to Cubans. Although it's ironic that they're getting that right now when there's a housing crisis.


CEO's Calif. mansion where girlfriend, son died is sold

Medicis CEO Jonah Shacknai has sold his Coronado, Calif., mansion to a group of investors three months after the high-profile hanging death of his girlfriend there this summer.

Senh: I would too. How can live in a place where a tragedy like that occurred. His son and girlfriend died there.


Bloomberg to Occupy: Blame Congress, not banks

"It was not the banks that created the mortgage crisis. It was, plain and simple, Congress," said New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg at an event for business leaders.

Senh: Congress: "It's all the banks fault. We have absolutely nothing to do with it."


New home sales rise in September, prices fall

New home sales rise in September, prices fall

New single-family home sales rose at their fastest pace in five months in September, a government report showed on Wednesday, but sustained price declines indicated the housing market is far from recovery.

Senh: Good news, bad news - all in one headline. It continues the up-and-down trends of the housing market.


Case-Shiller index: 'Glimmer of hope' as home prices rise slightly

Case-Shiller index: 'Glimmer of hope' as home prices rise slightly

The closely watched Case-Shiller index of home prices in American cities rose slightly in August from the prior month. Prices of previously owned single-family homes rose 0.2% in August over July and, according to the Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller index of 20 metropolitan areas. The index dropped 3.8% from the same month a year prior.

Senh: Hopefully, that means we've already hit the bottom, and things are moving up. Apparently, this is the fifth month in a row in which home prices have gone up, so that's the good news. The bad news is that economists are predicting drops in fall and winter, which makes sense since those are the slow periods for real estate.


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