Iran, Middle East | featured news

Iran may face 'serious consequences' over plot

Iran may face 'serious consequences' over plot

Vice President Biden says the "entire world" should unite against Iran for its alleged plot to kill the Saudi envoy to the U.S.


Americans convicted in Iran say they were hostages

Two American men jailed in Iran for more than two years for spying arrived in New York on Sunday, saying they were innocent and had been held hostage simply because of their nationality.


Iran frees American hikers after two years

Iran frees American hikers after two years

Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal, the American hikers jailed in Iran on spying charges since 2009, were freed from prison Wednesday and flown to Oman for a joyful reunion with family members. “We’re so happy we are free,” Fattal told reporters at Muscat International Airport in Oman. The 29-year-old Californians and a companion, Sarah Shourd, were arrested in the mountainous region between Iraq and Iran for supposedly crossing the border; their detention further frayed diplomatic relations between the United States and Iran.


BBC: 6 independent filmmakers arrested in Iran

Six independent filmmakers have been detained in Iran, the BBC said Monday, describing it as an attempt to pressure the international broadcaster over its coverage of the country's clerical regime.


Release of U.S. hikers in Iran delayed; judge on vacation

The release of two American hikers jailed in Iran was delayed Sunday because one of the judges whose signature is required on the paperwork is on vacation, the lawyer representing the two men said. The lawyer, Masoud Shafiei, said when he attempted to get the two signatures required for the $1 million bail deal for Shane Bauer and Joshua Fattal, he was told one of the judges needed to sign off on the agreement was on vacation, and to return at a later date.


Iran Official: Courts Willing to Commute Prison Sentences for Jailed Americans

Iran Official: Courts Willing to Commute Prison Sentences for Jailed Americans

Iran's foreign minister says the courts are willing "in near future" to commute the prison sentences for two jailed Americans convicted for spying. Ali Akbar Salehi says Iran's judiciary was ready to cancel the sentences as a gesture of Islamic mercy. But he did not give any clearer indication on when the two men could be released.


U.S. hikers jailed in Iran could soon be freed

U.S. hikers jailed in Iran could soon be freed

Two Americans convicted in Iran of espionage and illegally crossing over the nation's border could be freed if they pay $500,000 each in bail, an attorney for the men says.


U.S. hikers appeal Iran jail sentence

U.S. hikers appeal Iran jail sentence

The lawyer for two American hikers sentenced to eight years in prison said Sunday he has filed an appeal in the case.


Analysis: Iran sees ally Syria surrounded by U.S., Arab "wolves"

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Beset by civil unrest at home and lambasted by the West and his Arab neighbors for his violent crackdown on dissent, Syria's President Bashar al-Assad can count on one firm ally: Iran.


Lawyer: 2 Americans held in Iran could be released

Lawyer: 2 Americans held in Iran could be released

The lawyer for two Americans jailed in Iran on charges of espionage says his clients could be released after a court hearing slated for Sunday.


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