Gop, 2012 Presidential Election | featured news

Gallup Poll: Romney expands national lead

For the first time, Mitt Romney reaches 40% support among Republicans in the Gallup daily tracking poll.


Santorum makes clear he'll back GOP nominee

A spokeswoman for Rick Santorum defended the candidate after he suggested President Obama would be better than Mitt Romney.


Romney's Day to Relish Is Marred by Aide's Gaffe

Rick Santorum

... the Romney campaign inadvertently gave Mr. Santorum a new supply when a senior adviser went on CNN and seemed to suggest that Mr. Romney’s conservative positions in the primary season could change like an Etch a Sketch drawing.


The Caucus: Jeb Bush Backs Romney and Urges End to G.O.P. Battle

Mitt Romney received a major boost by getting the endorsement of former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida.


Romney routs Santorum in GOP primary in Illinois

Mitt Romney

Front-runner Mitt Romney won the Illinois primary with ease Tuesday night, defeating Rick Santorum in yet another industrial state showdown and padding his already-formidable delegate lead in the race for the Republican presidential nomination.


Illinois primary: Delegate rules favor Mitt Romney

Even if Rick Santorum won the presidential preference vote in Tuesday's Illinois Republican primary -- and polls indicate that it's actually Mitt Romney who is the favorite -- he still could lose out in the delegate race.


Romney leads in Illinois poll over Santorum

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney may be headed for an important victory in Illinois on Tuesday that would help him put more distance between himself and Rick Santorum, his chief rival for the Republican presidential nomination.


Iowa GOP to review caucuses

After an embarrassing vote count this year, the Iowa Republican Party is set to review what went wrong in the first-in-the-nation caucuses.


Romney Wins Easily in Puerto Rico Primary

Puerto Rico Primary

Mitt Romney’s campaign said his win in Puerto Rico was the latest sign of his strength over Rick Santorum as attention in the Republican presidential contest turned to Illinois.


Puerto Rico votes in Republican presidential primary

Puerto Rico Primary

Puerto Rico held its Republican presidential primary on Sunday, with 20 of the U.S. territory's 23 delegates up for grabs in a race in which an upcoming vote on statehood has taken central stage.


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