Celebrities, Celebrities Behaving Badly | featured news

Kanye West cleared in airport scuffle

Rapper must complete community service for incident with photographer on Sept. 11 last year.


U.S. demands Polanski extradition

U.S. demands Polanski extradition

U.S. Embassy officials in Bern, Switzerland, formally submitted an extradition request for Roman Polanski to the Swiss government on Thursday night, but a lawyer for the film director said his client will continue to resist deportation.


Lil Wayne pleads to attempted gun possession

Lil Wayne, who owned last year's best-selling album and is currently No. 1 on the pop charts, pleaded guilty to attempted weapon possession on Thursday, and expects to receive a one-year jail sentence....


Pam Anderson Under Fire for 9-Year-Old 'Fashion Slave'

Pamela Anderson shocked the Hollywood Style Awards over the weekend by recruiting a shy, 9-year-old girl to hold up her risqué dress all night.


Letterman's Former Mistress On Paid Leave From CBS

Was Stephanie Birkitt banned from CBS? Security sources have been cited revealing that former David Letterman mistress Stephanie Birkitt, 34, has been banned from Ed Sullivan Theater where The Late Show with David Letterman is filmed.


Letterman Apologizes on the Air to His Wife

Letterman Apologizes on the Air to His Wife

Mr. Letterman’s remarks were his first public comments since Thursday when he revealed details of an apparent extortion attempt.


Kate accuses Jon of draining bank account

The split between Jon and Kate Gosselin has been contentious from the beginning, but Jon could be found in contempt of court for the unauthorized withdrawal of $200,000 from the couple's joint bank account, Kate Gosselin's attorney told PEOPLE.


Quaid, wife arrested over hotel bill

Quaid, wife arrested over hotel bill

Actor Randy Quaid and his wife, Evi, were arrested in Texas on Thursday. They're accused of skipping out on a $10,000 hotel bill, authorities said.


Mackenzie Phillips says she had sex with her dad

Mackenzie Phillips says she had sex with her dad

Former child star Mackenzie Phillips said Wednesday her father, John Phillips, who was a leader of the 1960s pop group the Mamas and the Papas, raped her when she was a teenager and that her sexual relationship with him later became what she termed "consensual."


Dad of 'Idol's' David Archuleta Busted in Hooker Ring

The father of "American Idol" star David Archuleta was busted for hiring a massage parlor prostitute following a January raid in Utah.


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