Senate, Congress | featured news

GOP Rep. Rooney says health care repeal won't be easy

"For us to have the numbers in the Senate and House and White House isn't going to be as easy as everybody thinks," Rooney said after the high court decision Friday. "It's great to be optimistic, but in an election a lot of things have to go your way. 2012 would have to be like 2010 and then some."


GOP's Mourdock jumps gun on health care ruling

Richard Mourdock

There's a lot of anxiety these days as we wait for the U.S. Supreme Court to issue its decision on President Obama's health care law. Apparently, Senate candidate Richard Mourdock wanted to be ready. The Indiana Republican's campaign yesterday uploaded videos to YouTube of his different reactions to the decision, including cheering the law's demise. The videos were taken down.


Congress: Same hours, half the work

John Boehner

The current Congress has worked just as many days as its legislative predecessors. It just has a lot less to show for it.


DealBook: Live Blog: Senate Banking Hearing on JPMorgan

Jamie Dimon, the chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, is testifying on Capitol Hill about a failed derivatives trade that could cost the bank as much as $5 billion in losses.


McCain slams White House for alleged security leaks

Arizona Sen. John McCain lashed out at the Obama administration, alleging they selectively released information about US efforts to curtail Iran's nuclear program.


Elizabeth Warren Seeks to Revive Senate Campaign

Allegations that Ms. Warren claimed American Indian heritage to advance her career, and a reluctance to address those claims, have been a distraction.


Senate furniture stolen and sold illegally, report says

The U.S. Senate is out of town this week, and somebody may want to make sure its furniture is safe and secure. An employee assigned to care for furniture used by Senate offices stole and illegally sold more than $13,700 worth of tables and chairs to a used furniture dealer in Virginia, according to a new watchdog report and people familiar with the investigation.


Bitter primaries undercut GOP hopes in 3 states

U.S. Senate

The GOP envisions a road to a Senate majority — it needs a net gain of four seats to win control — but at this stage, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Florida aren't prime real estate.


Public hearing scheduled on Secret Service prostitution scandal

The Senate Homeland Security Committee has scheduled a public hearing on the prostitution scandal involving US military and Secret Service agents in Colombia.


Republicans block Senate proposal to keep student loan rates low

Student Loans

The political battle over President Obama’s plan to keep student loan interest rates from skyrocketing escalated as Senate Republicans blocked a Democratic proposal to tax wealthier earners to pay for it.


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