Senate, Congress | featured news

Akin-McCaskill race expected to go down to the wire

Todd Akin

...almost two months after Republican Todd Akin sparked a national controversy with his comments about "legitimate rape" — the GOP Senate nominee remains within striking distance of McCaskill. Two polls released last week showed McCaskill up by 6 percentage points, within the margin of error of about plus or minus 4 percentage points.


Opinion: Could Obama go for a KO?

David Gergen says President Obama needs a big debate victory to claim broad support for his second-term plans... Moreover, a big Obama victory would keep the Senate safely in Democratic hands and -- less likely -- might put a few House seats in play.


Outside money pours into Senate races

The ads have hit hard: In one, Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown is slammed as an out-of-touch politician who saddled his state's manufacturers with higher taxes by voting for President Obama's health care law. In another, he is savaged for his "failed record on energy."


Todd Akin Backed by Senate Conservatives Fund

Todd Akin’s list of allies has grown yet again. Akin this morning won the endorsement of the Senate Conservatives Fund (SCF), the PAC founded by influential conservative Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina. DeMint himself endorsed Akin Wednesday in a joint announcement with former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum.


Jim DeMint endorses Todd Akin, setting up unlikely alliance

Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) endorsed Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin on Wednesday, giving Akin his first potential big-money endorsement and setting up an unlikely coalition. DeMint’s endorsement was announced alongside that of former presidential candidate Rick Santorum by Santorum’s Patriot Voices PAC.


RNC chief: Akin could cost GOP the Senate

Rep. Todd Akin isn't here for the Republican National Convention, but he's still a topic for discussion. In an interview on CNN's State of the Union, Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus said today that Akin "absolutely" could cost the GOP control of the U.S. Senate.


Under fire, Akin seeks help from U.S. social conservatives

Todd Akin

Under fire from his own party for controversial comments on rape, U.S. Republican Representative Todd Akin on Thursday won the support of social conservatives in his effort to stay in Missouri's US Senate race.


Todd Akin releases ad asking for forgiveness, no sign of backing out

Todd Akin

Showing no sign of backing down from his U.S. Senate candidacy, Todd Akin released a television ad in which he apologizes for his remarks about "legitimate rape" seldom causing pregnancy and asks for forgiveness.

Senh: "Forgiveness:"


Republicans cold shoulder Akin after abortion comments

Senior Republicans scrambled to distance themselves on Monday from Missouri U.S. Senate candidate Todd Akin's comments about rape, which put an unwelcome focus on divisive social issues a week before the party holds its election-year convention.


Todd Akin, Paul Ryan, and Redefining Rape

... Last year, Akin, vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), and most of the House GOP cosponsored a bill that would have narrowed the already-narrow exceptions to the laws banning federal funding for abortion—from all cases of rape to cases of "forcible rape."


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