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China hits back at Google

China hits back at Google

China blocks results from Hong Kong-based site after search giant redirected users from mainland.


Clinton's Internet speech harms ties with U.S., says Beijing

Clinton's Internet speech harms ties with U.S., says Beijing

China today rejected U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's call for lifting restrictions on the Internet in the communist country, denouncing her criticism as false and damaging to bilateral ties.


China: Google Case Shouldn't Be Linked With U.S. Relations

China: Google Case Shouldn't Be Linked With U.S. Relations

Chinese Vice Foreign Minister He said Google's complaints about cyber attacks and censorship in China shouldn't be "over-interpreted" or linked to Beijing's bilateral relations with the U.S.


Far-Ranging Support for Google’s China Move

Far-Ranging Support for Google’s China Move

Human rights and business groups are among those cheering the move to stop cooperating with censors.


Google v. Great Firewall of China

Google v. Great Firewall of China

Search engine's threat to pull out of China over censorship puts government in awkward position.


Software maker files $2.2-billion suit alleging piracy in China

Software maker files $2.2-billion suit alleging piracy in China

A Santa Barbara software maker has filed a $2.2-billion lawsuit against China, two Chinese software companies and seven computer manufacturers, accusing them of conspiring to steal and disseminate Internet filtering technology.


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