Asia, Deaths | featured news

Death toll tops 1,100 in China quake

Tibetan monks prayed over hundreds of bodies Friday at a makeshift morgue next to their monastery after powerful earthquakes destroyed the town of Jiegu in  China, killing  least 1,144.


Earthquake Kills Dozens in Northwest China

Earthquake Kills Dozens in Northwest China

A powerful earthquake killed at least 67 people and left many others buried under debris early Wednesday.


Maoist rebels kill 75 troops in eastern India

Maoist rebels launched a series of devastating attacks Tuesday on government forces patrolling the forests of eastern India, killing at least 75 troops in the deadliest strike against the state in the 43-year insurgency....


Earthquake Kills 17 People in Eastern Turkey

Earthquake Kills 17 People in Eastern Turkey

A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 6.0 has shaken eastern Turkey, killing at least 17 people in several villages.


19 killed in firecracker blast in China

19 killed in firecracker blast in China

A celebration of China's lunar new year turned deadly as a firecracker explosion killed 19 and wounded dozens, state media reported Saturday.


Bus falls into India river, kills 22

Police say a bus crowded with people returning home from a wedding party fell into a river in northern India, killing at least 22.


Blast in a bakery near ashram kills 8 in India

A top official says the blast on a bakery near a meditation center in western India was apparently caused by a bomb....


17 Indian Soldiers Dead After Kashmir Avalanche

A massive avalanche plowed into an Indian army training center at a ski resort town in Indian-controlled Kashmir on Monday, killing at least 17 soldiers and critically wounding 17 others.


Bomber kills 30 at Pakistan volleyball match

Bomber kills 30 at Pakistan volleyball match

A suicide car bomb exploded today in the middle of a group of men playing volleyball in northwest Pakistan, killing 30 and wounding 52, district police officials told CNN.


Bomber Kills 5 at Shiite Gathering in Pakistan

A police official says a suicide bomber has detonated his explosives outside a Shiite Muslim gathering in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir, killing five people.


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