Campaign Fund-raising, Mitt Romney | featured news

Romney, RNC raise more than $101M in July

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney and the Republican National Committee say they netted more than $101 million last month... The campaign says Romney, the RNC and state GOP parties have nearly $186 million in cash on hand.


Romney and GOP raise $10 million in California over two days

A two-day fundraising swing through California by Mitt Romney brought in $10 million, a sizable addition to the presumptive GOP nominee’s war chest as he prepares for the general election battle with President Obama.


Obama Spends the Most in June, but Romney Raises More

Barack Obama

Mitt Romney’s campaign has improved its fund-raising from small donors, helping to build an advantage in money available after the two parties hold their nominating conventions.


Romney's fundraising potential far from tapped: federal disclosures

Of the big donors helping propel the fundraising of U.S. Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, fewer than 1 percent have hit the limit they can donate to his election bid, suggesting cash is likely to keep pouring into his coffers.


Cheney helps Romney raise $4 million

Mitt Romney's campaign roped in more than $4 million in a single campaign stop in Wyoming with a boost from a controversial political figure: former Vice President Dick Cheney.


Cheney lends a bit of his GOP star power to Romney

Former Vice President Dick Cheney is using his popularity with Republican conservatives to give a boost to Mitt Romney, hosting a fundraiser for the party's likely nominee at a mountain valley resort as well as a private dinner at his Wyoming home....


Obama campaign shrugs off reports of Romney’s fundraising advantage

The Obama campaign on Tuesday shrugged off reports showing that Republican challenger Mitt Romney outpaced the president by $35 million in contributions last month, even after firing off a dire message to donors warning of defeat in November if fundraising doesn’t improve... Obama representatives also blasted the Republican super PACs. “You’ve got a few very wealthy people running around trying to purchase the White House for Mr. Romney,” White House senior adviser David Plouffe told ABC’s “Good Morning America” on Tuesday.


Dems raise money off Romney donor's remark

House Democrats raise money off a Romney supporter's comment that "lower income" people don't get the impact of President Obama's policies.


The Caucus: Obama Far Behind Romney in June Fund-Raising

Mitt Romney and the Republican National Committee easily outraised President Obama and the Democrats in June, pulling in $106.1 million, a substantial increase in Mr. Romney’s fund-raising pace and a sign of the growing competitiveness of the battle for campaign dollars against Mr. Obama, who raised $71 million during the same period.


Protesters raise cloud of sand as Romney raises $3 million in N.Y.

They never got close, and Mitt Romney may not have even seen them, but protesters — some from Occupy Wall Street — took political theater to a new level Sunday outside the beachfront estate of billionaire David H. Koch, where the Republican candidate was raising money. Some of the 200 protesters marched down mile-long Coopers Beach toward the home in a cloud of sand, bearing banners and signs: "Your $50,000 ticket equals my child's education," "end corporate personhood" and "don't forget to tip the help."


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