Gadgets, Tablet Computer | featured news

Samsung returns Apple legal fire

Samsung accuses Apple of violating its patent rights, days after Apple accused it of "slavishly" copying designs of its iPad and iPhone.


Amazon to Add Library Lending to Kindle

Amazon to Add Library Lending to Kindle said it will allow readers to borrow Kindle books free at more than 11,000 U.S. libraries, a new twist in the growing battle for market share among electronic tablet makers.


RIM's PlayBook hits North American shelves

RIM's PlayBook hits North American shelves

Research In Motion's PlayBook went on sale in the United States and Canada on Tuesday in a launch the company hopes will win customers away from Apple's dominant iPad tablet computer.


Apple iPad 2: 20 essential apps for your new iPad

Apple iPad 2: 20 essential apps for your new iPad

If you've got a new iPad 2, or you're getting one today, you'll be needing some apps to put on it. Here are some suggestions.


RIM's BlackBerry PlayBook May Never Recover

RIM's BlackBerry PlayBook May Never Recover

Despite a cluster of middling reviews and the still-in-the air whiff of a media interview gone terribly wrong, the mood at last night's RIM BlackBerry PlayBook launch was upbeat—at least on the surface.


Eye-Tracking Trick Brings Glasses-Free 3D to iPad 2

This clever demo simulates a 3D effect on your iPad 2 without forcing you to wear glasses.


Apple To Dominate Tablet Market Through 2015, Google Takes Smartphones

Apple will remain firmly in control of the tablet market through 2015, according to market research by Gartner, which also shows Google’s Android will take the baton from Nokia’s Symbian to dominate the smartphone market through the same time period. Experts agree, though, that it will be strong ecosystems, allowing for tablets and smartphones to deliver a combined experience, which will take the day, possibly weakening Research in Motion’s capacity to deliver in a new environment.


Nokia sues Apple again over patents

Nokia is suing Apple in the United States for allegedly infringing patents in "virtually all" of its mobile phones, portable music players, tablets and computers, the Finnish company said Tuesday.


BlackBerry PlayBook starts at $499, same as iPad 2

Research In Motion Ltd. says its tablet computer, the BlackBerry PlayBook, will start selling in the U.S. and Canada on April 19 for $499 to $699.


Why you can probably skip 3G on iPad 2

When you're shopping for an iPad 2, you have a dozen configurations to choose from, and some recent discoveries will make this decision much easier for you.


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