Health Care, Health Care Reform | featured news

Senator Reports Progress in Talks on Health Bill

Senator Ben Nelson said that he and Democratic leaders had made “real progress” in negotiations on abortion, but there was no final agreement.


Liberal Revolt on Health Care Stings White House

Liberal Revolt on Health Care Stings White House

Frustrated by the intense courting of moderates, liberals are signaling that they have compromised enough.


In Senate Health Showdown, Round Goes to G.O.P.

In Senate Health Showdown, Round Goes to G.O.P.

As Senate Democrats struggle to line up 60 votes and pass their health care bill before Christmas, an attempt to debate a single-payer system fails.


Health bill's prospects improve

Obama urges Senate Dem to pass bill; Lieberman signals support if buy-in plan is dropped.


Obama praises Senate deal on public option

44 | President calls Senate plan "a creative new framework" to provide coverage to uninsured without relying on government insurance option.


Obama rallies Democrats on healthcare overhaul

President Barack Obama on Sunday urged Senate Democrats to work out their differences on healthcare reform and pass what will be the most significant social legislation in decades.


Dems seek compromise on public option

Dems seek compromise on public option

Democrats are engaged in urgent talks to work out a compromise on one of the most contentious health care issues: a proposal for the government to sell insurance in competition with private companies.


Divided Senate opens health care debate

Divided Senate opens health care debate

Riven by partisanship, the Senate plunged into a debate Monday over sweeping health care legislation that President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats have vowed to approve and Republicans have sworn to block.


Cost concerns unlikely to sink U.S. health overhaul

Cost concerns unlikely to sink U.S. health overhaul

A U.S. debt that is topping $12 trillion is raising fresh questions about the cost of President Barack Obama's proposed healthcare overhaul, but those concerns are unlikely to sink the legislation.


Opposition to healthcare legislation lingers

As the debate over a health care bill enters a critical stage, a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds Americans inclined to oppose ...


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