Health Care, Health Care Reform | featured news

Centrist Senators Say They Oppose Health Care Bill

Two centrist senators, Ben Nelson and Joseph I. Lieberman, said that they were opposed the bill as it is currently written, particularly its inclusion of a new government-run insurance program.


Biden says Senate handed Obama a big victory

Biden says Senate handed Obama a big victory

Vice President Joe Biden told Iowa Democrats on Saturday that the Senate handed the president a big victory with its decision to move forward with debate on sweeping legislation to overhaul the nation's health care system.


Senate begins health-care debate

Senate begins health-care debate

LIVE BLOGGING | Debate leads up to a vote that serves as a critical test for Obama's proposal.


Budget office: Senate health care bill costs $849 billion

Budget office: Senate health care bill costs $849 billion

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates the Senate health care bill would cost $849 billion over 10 years, a Democratic source and an administration official said.


Reid Says He's Close to Unveiling Health Bill

Reid Says He's Close to Unveiling Health Bill

Senator Reid says he close to unveiling his health care bill, but acknowledges he is not certain he has 60 votes to bring up for for debate on the Senate floor.


Republicans end abortion insurance for employees

Republicans end abortion insurance for employees

The chagrined leader of the opposition Republican Party has told Republican National Committee staff to immediately stop providing RNC employees with insurance for elective abortions — an option that Republicans strongly oppose as Democrats try to pass a health care overhaul bill.


In Senate, health bill has major hurdles

The battle over health care shifted back to the Senate as President Obama prodded lawmakers on Sunday to push ahead one day after ...


On the Hill, Protesters Chant 'Kill the Bill'

Thousands of demonstrators surfaced on Capitol Hill in opposition to the Democrats' health care legislation.


Majority leader: House will pass health bill

Majority Leader Steny Hoyer is predicting that the House will pass historic health care overhaul legislation Saturday to extend coverage to tens of millions of uninsured Americans and ban insurance companies from turning people away....


Republicans Try to Rally Resistance to Health Care Bill, as House Vote Nears

Republicans Try to Rally Resistance to Health Care Bill, as House Vote Nears

The GOP is organizing a "House Call" Thursday afternoon on Capitol Hill, where they plan to rally constituents concerned about the implications of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's bill. In this Sept. 8 photo, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority ...


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