Barack Obama, Medicare | featured news

House ready to OK GOP budget, rejects rival plans

Republicans are ready to ram through the House an election-year, $3.5 trillion budget that showcases their deficit-cutting plan for revamping Medicare and slicing everything from food stamps to transportation while rejecting President Barack Obama's call to raise taxes on the rich....


Obama health care official stepping down

A key player in implementing President Obama's health care law is stepping down in the face of Republican opposition. Don Berwick, the head of Medicare and Medicaid, was a recess appointment made by Obama after Senate Republicans had vowed to vote down his nomination.


Obama offers Social Security cuts as part of debt talks

Obama offers Social Security cuts as part of debt talks

President Obama seeks up to $4 trillion in deficit cuts, putting Social Security, Medicare, defense spending and tax reform on the table as part of a balanced approach to cuts, officials say.


Poll: Taxing the rich favored over Medicare cuts

Poll: Taxing the rich favored over Medicare cuts

Most Americans oppose the big spending cuts that many in Washington see as necessary to bring down the budget deficit, a new poll suggests, but they do support one idea for deficit reduction that President Barack Obama has pushed for years — raising taxes on the rich.


Obama pivots, eyes Medicare changes, tax increases

Obama pivots, eyes Medicare changes, tax increases

President Barack Obama, two years into a presidency that increased spending to prime a weak economy, is turning his attention to the nation's crushing debt and trying to counter a Republican anti-deficit plan with a framework of his own that tackles politically sensitive health care programs while also increasing taxes....


Obama Bypassing Congress to Appoint Chief of Medicare and Medicaid

President Obama will use a “recess appointment” to name Dr. Donald M. Berwick to run Medicare and Medicaid.


Obama and GOP bicker over doctors' Medicare pay

President Barack Obama is asking Republican lawmakers to approve billions of dollars in new spending to avert a scheduled 21 percent cut in payments to doctors who treat Medicare patients ...


Obama orders most hospitals to grant gays visitation rights

Same-sex partners must get the same privileges granted heterosexual couples in hospitals that get Medicare or Medicaid funds, he says in a memo.

President Obama late Thursday ordered most hospitals in the country to grant the same visitation rights to gay and lesbian partners that they do to married heterosexual couples.


No Breakthrough In Talks But Bipartisan Panel Close To Agreement On Medicare Savings

A bipartisan group of senators agreed tentatively Tuesday on a plan to squeeze an additional $35 billion out of Medicare over the next decade and larger sums in the years beyond, according to congressional officials, a step toward fulfilling President Barack Obama's goal of curbing the growth of health care spending.


Obama eyes $313 bln more cuts for healthcare reform

Obama eyes $313 bln more cuts for healthcare reform

President Barack Obama on Saturday proposed an additional $313 billion in cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and other programs to pay for healthcare reforms expected to cost about $1 trillion over the next decade.


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