2012 Presidential Election, Mitt Romney | featured news

Undecided voters lean from Romney toward Obama

Polls have shifted toward the president since the Democratic convention. Interviews with voters shed some light on why, and on the challenge facing the Republican... For Mitt Romney, making a comeback in the race for president will require changing the minds of voters like Barry Hubscher, Cathleen Kimmel and Michael Gray.


Iowa Poll shows Obama with slim lead over Romney

President Obama leads Republican nominee Mitt Romney 49% to 45% in the battleground state of Iowa.


As Obama and Romney prep for debates, VP candidates seek votes

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Vice President Joe Biden and Republican rival Paul Ryan sought votes in political battleground states on Saturday while their running mates took a day off the campaign trail ahead of a potentially make-or-break debate next week.


High debate stakes: Romney looks to gain momentum

Barack Obama is cruising into the presidential debates with momentum on his side, yet he's still struggling to revive the passion and excitement that propelled him to the White House. Mitt Romney is grasping for his last, best chance to reboot his campaign after a disastrous September.


Romney Compares Obama Presidency to Carter’s

Historians say the broad parallels between Mr. Carter’s term and Mr. Obama’s make for legitimate comparisons. But many of the details differ, and some tilt decisively in Mr. Obama’s favor, both factually and politically.


Obama campaign attacks Romney on Chinese investments

The Obama campaign has attacked Republican Mitt Romney this week for having investments in China, saying it is inappropriate for a presidential nominee to be investing so much money there. Former Ohio governor Ted Strickland (D), a campaign co-chairman, said it “defies logic.” “It may not be illegal, it may not be unethical, but it is unseemly,” he said in an interview. “It just leaves a bad taste in your mouth.”


With charts and charm, Paul Ryan aims to steady a shaken ticket

Trailing in the must-win state of Ohio, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney asked his running mate Paul Ryan to meet him here this week. After 24 days apart, Romney and Ryan reunited on an airport tarmac on Tuesday amid grumbling from some Republicans that the campaign has grown complacent, leaving Ryan, its strongest advocate, off the national stage.


Romney Health Care Plan Nearly Doubles Family Insurance Costs: Study

Mitt Romney

Under Romney’s proposed health care plan, American families buying non-group health insurance would pay nearly double what they pay under Obamacare, according to a new study by Families USA entitled "ObamaCare versus RomneyCare versus RomneyCandidateCare." That includes both comparative insurance premium payments as well as out-of-pocket expenses.


Sept. 27: The Impact of the '47 Percent'

After a secretly recorded videotape was released on Sept. 17 showing Mitt Romney making unflattering comments about the “47 percent” of Americans who he said had become dependent on government benefits, I suggested on Twitter that the political impact of the comments could easily be overstated.


President Obama, Mitt Romney court veterans in Virginia

Mitt Romney was in Virginia on Thursday to do what he has been trying to do a lot lately: reach voters in places where he had hoped to be faring better by now. On this day, his targets were military veterans and active-duty service members, a once-reliably Republican group that recent polls show to be closely split between the two candidates.


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