Friday, July 26, 2024

‘Unimaginable’: Man killed when headstone falls at mother-in-law’s gravesite

A 74-year-old Pennsylvania man died this week after a headstone fell on him while he was at a relative’s grave. Stephen Woytack was decorating his mother-in-law’s grave for Easter on Monday when the stone toppled, reported ABC affiliate WNEP.

Senh: Sad. When it's your time to go, it's your time.


Whole Foods mixes up chicken, vegan salads

Whole Foods Market Inc. said Thursday that labels on a chicken salad and those on a vegan version of the salad were reversed at some of its cold food bars in the Northeast.


Tennessee Cops murder 61 year old man in own home during wrong house drug raid.

A 61-year-old man was shot to death by police while his wife was handcuffed in another room during a drug raid on the wrong house. Police admitted their mistake, saying faulty information from a drug informant contributed to the death of John Adams Wednesday night. They intended to raid the home next door.


Reddit publicly apologizes 'for the pain' caused to family of falsely accused student

Sunil Tripathi - NBC News

The family of Sunil Tripathi endured much emotional pain as speculation swirled that the still-missing Brown University student was a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing. Users of the Reddit social news site fanned the flames — and now they, along with the site's leadership, are apologizing to Tripathi's family.


Google Glass Bid Up To $95,300 On eBay Before Seller Realized He Wasn't Allowed To Sell Them

In February, Google ran a contest for Glass offering "winners" the opportunity to be "Glass Explorers," i.e. the guinea pigs who will test out Glass in the wild. Downside: Explorers have to pay $1,500 for the product and for the privilege of being called "Glassholes." Upside: They get to test out a brand new product before anyone else. One 26-year-old Explorer came up with an even better upside: he planned to auction off his pair of Glass on eBay to pay down his student loans.


'Terrible mistake': Minnesota hospital sends stillborn baby to laundry service

A Minnesota hospital apologized Wednesday after the remains of a stillborn baby boy wrapped in linens were mistaken for dirty laundry and delivered to a cleaning service.Regions Hospital officials said they were notifying the stillborn infant’s family to apologize and providing counseling to employees at the laundromat where the baby was found Tuesday.“This is a terrible mistake, and we are deeply...


Video: Girl gets head stuck between walls

Watch firefighters rescue a 6-year-old girl who accidentally jammed her head between two walls in China.


Man tries to take photo of beaver; it kills him

Beaver - USA Today

A fisherman in Belarus was bitten to death by a beaver, and all he was doing was trying to take its picture, Sky News reports. The man spotted the beaver while fishing with friends at Lake Shestakov, but as he approached to take a photograph, the beaver bit him on the thigh. The animal managed to sever an artery, and his friends couldn't stop the blood flow.


Man accused of using fake penis for drug test

A man accused of using a prosthetic penis to try to pass a drug test has been arrested in eastern Missouri. Authorities say 34-year-old Sydney Levin was submitting a urine sample last week as part of his probation when an officer allegedly spotted him using a prosthetic known as a Whizzinator. The prosthetic is advertised as a "discreet" device that includes synthetic "medical grade urine."


HIV Test Urged for 7,000 Oklahoma Dental Patients

HIV Test - WC

Health officials are urging 7,000 patients of an Oklahoma dentist to seek medical tests to ensure they haven't been exposed to hepatitis or the virus that causes AIDS. The Oklahoma and Tulsa health departments say the patients may have been exposed to viruses at clinics operated by W. Scott Harrington. The agencies said they found "major violations" of the Oklahoma Dental Act.


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