Europe Debt, Europe Debt Crisis | featured news

Money flies out of Spain, regions pressured


Spaniards alarmed by the dire state of their banks are squirreling money abroad at the fastest rate since records began, figures showed on Thursday, and the credit ratings of eight regions were cut.

Senh: I guess they're following the Greeks.


IMF: No bailout plans for Spain in the works

The International Monetary Fund says it has not been asked by Spain for a bailout and has not begun preparing one.


ECB, EU officials warn euro's survival at risk

Euro Zone

The European Central Bank stepped up pressure on Thursday for a joint fund to guarantee bank deposits in the euro zone, saying Europe needed news tools to fight bank runs as the bloc's debt crisis drives investors to flee risk.


Greek stocks soar on pro-bailout party's poll gain

Greek stock markets rebounded strongly on Monday from a 22-year low on hopes a pro-bailout party will win crucial national elections next month, which would avoid a catastrophic rift with international creditors and keep the struggling country within the euro currency union....


Spanish debt costs spiral as crisis deepens

Spanish Debt

Spanish 10-year borrowing costs neared the 7 percent danger level and Bankia shares hit record lows on Monday after the government, struggling to sort out its finances, proposed putting sovereign debt into the struggling lender.


Germany, France draw battle lines over eurozone bonds

Germany dismissed a French-led call for euro zone nations to issue common bonds, a day before a European Union leaders' summit which investors are looking to for new measures to counter the bloc's debt crisis.


Perhaps Greece won’t leave the euro, after all


Recall the reasons for the current euro panic: Greece is getting bailed out and, in return, it’s supposed to cut spending and raise taxes even further. But Greek voters don’t enjoy this austerity and are rebelling against politicians who agree to the deal. So Germany’s now hinting that Greece might get booted from the euro. Disaster, right?


Obama, other G-8 leaders push economic growth over austerity

President Obama and leaders of the world’s other leading economies Saturday embraced a policy of growth over austerity in Europe as they met on the cloistered grounds of Camp David to talk about fending off a spread of the Eurozone crisis.


Greece must stick to bailout terms: IMF's Lagarde

Christine Lagarde

Political leaders in Greece need to show the resolve to stay in the euro zone, which will require Athens to stick to the terms of its rescue package, International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde said on Thursday.


Concerned about a euro exit, Greeks pull funds from banks

Greece's president spoke of "fear that could develop into panic" at the country's banks in the weeks before fresh elections that could precipitate Athens exit from the euro zone.


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