Republican Presidential Candidate, Primary | featured news

Romney feels campaign trail energy close to home

It was standing room only as Mitt Romney briefly took time out from Iowa to campaign in Republican strongholds in New Hampshire, where he holds a wide lead approaching the state's first-in-the-nation primary.


Gingrich coup: Endorsement from NH's largest paper

Gingrich coup: Endorsement from NH's largest paper

New Hampshire's largest newspaper on Sunday endorsed former House Speaker Newt Gingrich in the 2012 GOP presidential race, signaling that rival Mitt Romney isn't the universal favorite and potentially resetting the contest before the state's lead-off primary Jan. 10.


New Hampshire considers December primary date

New Hampshire is considering moving up its Republican presidential primary to as early as December 6 as states vie for more influence in picking the party's nominee, a senior state official said on Wednesday.


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