Health Care Reform, Health Care Ruling | featured news

Obama health care law upheld by Supreme Court: Read the full decision

Supreme Court

The Supreme Court this morning upheld President Obama's Affordable Care Act, the signature piece of legislation put forward by his administration. Chief Justice John Roberts announced the court's judgment that allows the law to go forward with its aim of covering more than 30 million uninsured Americans.


Supreme Court sets Thursday for healthcare ruling

The Supreme Court's ruling on the fate of President Barack Obama's 2010 healthcare law will be announced on Thursday, the last day of the high court term, the court said on Monday.


Most Americans oppose health law but like provisions

Health Care Reform

Most Americans oppose President Barack Obama's healthcare reform even though they strongly support most of its provisions, a Reuters/Ipsos poll showed on Sunday, with the Supreme Court set to rule within days on whether the law should stand.


First the ruling; then it gets tricky

No matter how the Supreme Court rules on the challenge to the health care law, attention will shift rapidly to the Capitol and to what happens next there.


Court keeps upcoming health care decision secret

It's the biggest secret in a city known for not keeping them. The nine Supreme Court justices and more than three dozen other people have kept quiet for more than two months about how the high court is going to rule on the constitutionality of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul. This is information that could move markets, turn economies and greatly affect this fall's national elections, including the presidential contest between Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney. But unlike the Congress and the executive branch, which seem to leak information willy-nilly, the Supreme Court, from the chief justice down to the lowliest clerk, appears to truly value silence when it comes to upcoming court opinions, big and small.


GOP's Mourdock jumps gun on health care ruling

Richard Mourdock

There's a lot of anxiety these days as we wait for the U.S. Supreme Court to issue its decision on President Obama's health care law. Apparently, Senate candidate Richard Mourdock wanted to be ready. The Indiana Republican's campaign yesterday uploaded videos to YouTube of his different reactions to the decision, including cheering the law's demise. The videos were taken down.


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