Louisiana, Orleans Parish County | featured news

Free educational conference on Alzheimer's comes to New Orleans next week

The program will include a panel on how to prevent and treat cognitive decline and what to know about healthy aging.


French Market Corp. board president unexpectedly resigns

Board members had recently voted to keep her in charge.


New Orleans archdiocese to name priests 'credibly accused' of sexual abuse, archbishop says

Archbishop Gregory Aymond said the names will be released "sooner rather than later."


Metairie's Beach Club, after 50 years, to become 17-lot gated subdivision

Lots to be priced at $300,000 to $400,000, Jefferson Parish Council member says


Former prosecutor Sal Perricone suffers from 'complex PTSD,' shouldn't be disbarred: lawyer

Perricone made more than 2,600 comments under five aliases on NOLA.com between 2007 and 2012.


When Sears ain't dere no more | Opinion

The "Amazon of its day" survived for more than 130 years. But nothing lasts forever.


Bill with Pearl River dam provision heads to Trump: report

Environmentalists claim a victory, but project supporters say requirement nothing new, Clarion Ledger reports.


Hurricane forecasters watching disturbance near Belize, Honduras

The system is expected to bring heavy rainfall to Central America.


Trump reelection campaign tops $100 million in fundraising

Nearly all of his donations last quarter came from donors giving $200 or less.


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