Topics: Holidays : Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras is one of the largest pre-lent festivals around. It's a French term that literally means "Fat Tuesday" and is always held on the Tuesday that proceeds Ash Wednesday. Another name for Fat Tuesday is Shrove Tuesday. New Orleans hosts the largest Mardi Gras celebration and Rio De Janeiro hosts a similarly huge festival known as Carnaval. Many other cities around the world host their own Mardi Gras celebration. Sites listed in this category are suitable for visitors of all ages, but designed primarily for adult visitors. Sites provide material related to Mardi Gras, including historical background, articles, graphics, and ideas for celebrating. Sites may also provide information for parents and teachers, such as suggested family activities and lesson plans. Sites especially for children are listed in Kids_and_Teens/People_and_Society/Holidays_and_Celebrations/Mardi_Gras/.

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