Cancer | featured news

Giving Oral Sex Could Lead to Lung Cancer

Giving oral sex could lead to lung cancer—if you skip the HPV vaccination. Researchers with the International Agency for Research on Cancer compared the HPV antibodies of lung cancer patients to those of cancer-free patients. The findings: Having HPV was associated with more than a 30 percent increased risk for lung cancer.


Study Links Masturbation and Prostate Cancer

Study Links Masturbation and Prostate Cancer

Given the bind that many prominent American men have thrust themselves into — think Tiger Woods, Mark Sanford, Eliot Spitzer, et al. — it seems it really is possible to have too much of a good thing. And your prostate gland appears to agree.

Senh: Don't do it too much when you're in your 20-30's. Twenty or more in a month is considered too much. But once you hit your 40's, go wild, it's good for your prostates.


Beat Cancer One Scan at a Time

I had a dream the other night that my cancer diagnosis was a mistake. That it was actually a prank pulled off by a group of college friends who I hadn’t seen for years. And as some dreams go – it was all discombobulated. I was at my college reunion and while everyone was laughing hysterically, I shrank into the wall feeling so betrayed. Then I woke up.


Ban teens from tanning salons, doctors urge

Ban teens from tanning salons, doctors urge

The American Academy of Pediatrics wants teenagers banned from tanning salons to reduce their risk of skin cancer.


Cut red meat to lower cancer risk

Bringing home the bacon might not be such a great idea, according to stricter new dietary advice from the British government issued Friday.


Study shifts on surgery for breast cancer

Study shifts on surgery for breast cancer

Many women with early breast cancer do not appear to need removal of their lymph nodes, as is often recommended, according to a federally funded study released Tuesday.


Study: Rise in some head and neck cancers tied to oral sex

Study: Rise in some head and neck cancers tied to oral sex

There's a worrisome uptick in the incidence of certain head and neck cancers among middle-aged and even younger Americans, and some experts link ...


Study finds toxic chemicals in pregnant womens' bodies

Study finds toxic chemicals in pregnant womens' bodies

A study shows the typical pregnant woman has dozens of potentially toxic or even cancer-causing chemicals in her body.


Michael Douglas says tumor gone, recovery hopeful

Michael Douglas says tumor gone, recovery hopeful

Michael Douglas says his tumor is gone and that he may have beaten throat cancer.


Germany halts poultry, pork, egg sales in scare

Germany halts poultry, pork, egg sales in scare

Germany halted sales of poultry, pork and eggs from more than 4,700 farms Friday after animal feed was found to be contaminated with cancer-causing chemicals. As German authorities sought the source of the tainted feed, other nations rushed to figure out if any other food was contaminated.


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