Economic Crisis | featured news

Obama advisor Summers says stimulus plan is helping economy

One of President Obama's top economic advisors said today that there were already signs that the $787-billion stimulus plan was helping the economy but that it was far too early to reach broad conclusions about how successful it would be.


Pelosi dampens idea of second stimulus

Pelosi dampens idea of second stimulus

U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi poured cold water on the idea of another economic stimulus package on Thursday amid suggestions that some Democrats had already begun work on one.


US 2008 household wealth fell $11.2 trillion: Fed

US households suffered a record-large 9 percent drop in wealth and pared debt in the fourth quarter as a deepening recession battered confidence and finances, Federal Reserve data showed on Thursday.


What Sells in a Recession: Canned Goods and Condoms

What Sells in a Recession: Canned Goods and Condoms

What's last thing people want in a recession? More kids, apparently.


AOL Fires Everybody In China, Site Goes Two Days Without Update

AOL is backing out of mainland China – again. Other than a PR rep or two, the company fired all 100 or so of its employees in its Beijing office, according Chinese portal The Wall Street Journal says the AOL China site hasn't been updated since Tuesday. The cuts are a part of AOL's plan to slash 10% of its workforce worldwide.


Crisis Reduces Number of Billionaires

The global economic crisis has reduced the number of billionaires and made the richest people in the world poorer, according to Forbes magazine.


JPMorgan CEO sees "modest signs" of recovery

JPMorgan CEO sees

JPMorgan Chase & Co Chief Executive Jamie Dimon said on Wednesday he sees "modest signs" of an economic recovery and endorsed a plan to create a U.S. systemic risk regulator.


Obama calls for G20 joint action

Obama calls for G20 joint action

US President Barack Obama says that countries must take concerted action to spur global economic growth.


Dems to Obama: Hurry up and fix the economy

Some Democrats are increasingly concerned about President Obama's $787 billion financial fix for the ailing economy, and are demanding greater transparency on further spending.


Obama to sign big spending bill

Obama to sign big spending bill

Acknowledging it's an "imperfect" bill, President Barack Obama said he will accept a $410 billion spending package but insisted it must signal an "end to the old way of doing business."


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